Vague as a dream
Vague thoughts that stream shapelessly through her mind like long sad vapors through the twilight sky
Vanish into thin air, like ghosts at the cockcrow
Vanished like snow when comes a thaw
Vanished like vapor before the sun
Vibrations set quivering like harp strings struck by the hand of a master
Vociferous praise following like a noisy wave
Walking somewhat unsteadily like a blind man feeling his way
Waves glittered and danced on all sides like millions of diamonds
We left her and retraced our steps like faithless hounds
Weak and frail like the vapor of a vale
Wearing their wounds like stars
Weary wind, who wanderest like the world’s rejected guest
When a draft might puff them out like a guttering
[guttering = To
melt through the side of the hollow in a candle
formed by
a burning wick; to burn low and unsteadily; flicker]
When arm in arm they both came swiftly running,
like a pair of turtle-doves that could not live asunder
day or night
When cards, invitations, and three-corn’d notes
fly about like white butterflies
When she died, her breath whistled like the wind in a keyhole
When the fever pierced me like a knife
Where a lamp of deathless beauty shines like a beacon
Where heroes die as leaves fall
Where the intricate wheels of trade are grinding on, like a mill
Where the source of the waters is fine as a thread
Whilst the lagging hours of the day went by
like windless clouds o’er a tender sky
Whistled sharply in the air like a handful of vipers
White as a ghost from darkness
White as chalk
White as dove or lily, or spirit of the light
White as the driven snow
White as the moon’s white flame
White as the sea-bird’s wing
White clouds like daisies
White hands she moves like swimming swans
White hands through her hair,
like white doves going into the shadow of a wood
White like flame
White sails of sloops like specters
Whose bodies are as strong as alabaster
Whose hair was as gold raiment on a king
Whose laugh moves like a bat through silent haunted woods
Whose little eyes glow like the sparks of fire
Whose music like a robe of living light reclothed each new-born age
Windy speech which hits all around the mark like a drunken carpenter
Winged like an arrow to its mark
With a sting like a scorpion
With all the complacency of a homeless cat
With an angry broken roar, like billows on an unseen shore, their fury burst