The feathery meadows like a lilac sea
The firm body like a slope of snow
The first whiff of reality dissipated them like smoke
The floor, newly waxed, gleamed in the candle-light like beaten moonbeams
The fragrant clouds of hair, they flowed round him like a snare
The gathering glory of life shone like the dawn
The gesture was all strength and will,
like the stretching of a sea-bird’s wings
The girl’s voice rang like a bird-call through his rustling fancies
The glimmer of tall flowers standing
like pensive moon-worshipers in an ecstasy of prayerless
The guides sniffed, like chamois, the air
= extremely agile goat antelope]
The heavens are like a scroll unfurled
The hills across the valley were purple as thunder-clouds
The hoofs of the horses rang like the dumb cadence of an old saga
The hours crawled by like years
The hum of the camp sounds like the sea
The hurrying crowds of men gather like clouds
The ideas succeeded each other like a dynasty of kings
The impalpable presence of the new century
rose like a vast empty house through which
no human feet had walked
The inexorable facts closed in on him
like prison-warders hand-cuffing a convict
The lake glimmered as still as a mirror
The land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell
The land was like a dream
The level boughs, like bars of iron across the setting sun
The light of London flaring like a dreary dawn
The lights blazed up like day
The lilies were drooping, white, and wan,
like the head and skin of a dying man
The mellowing hand of time
The melody rose tenderly and lingeringly
like a haunting perfume of pressed flowers
The Milky Way lay like diamond-dust upon the robe of some great king
The monk’s face whitened like sea-foam
The moon drowsed between the trees like a great yellow moth
The moon on the tower slept soft as snow
The moonbeams rest like a pale spotless shroud
The moonlight lay like snow
The moonlight, like a fairy mist, upon the mesa spreads
The mortal coldness of the soul, like death itself comes down
The mountain shadows mingling, lay like pools above the earth
The mountains loomed up dimly, like phantoms through the mist
The music almost died away, then it burst like a pent-up flood
The name that cuts into my soul like a knife
The nervous little train winding its way like a jointed reptile
The new ferns were spread upon the earth like some lacy coverlet
The night like a battle-broken host is driven before