Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

class demarcations

classical objurgation [objurgation = harsh rebuke]

clattering accents

clear insight

climactic revelation

clinching proof

cloaked nature

cloistered virtue

close condensation

cloudy magnificence

clownishly insensible

cloying sweetness [cloying = too filling, rich, or sweet]

clumsy talk

clustering trees

coarse necessity

coaxing eloquence

coercive enactment

cogent statement

coherent thinking

coined metaphor

cold formalities

collateral duties

collective wisdom

colloquial display

colonial character

colossal failure

comatose state

combative tone

comforting reassurance

comic infelicity

commanding attitude

commendable purpose

commercial opulence

commingled emotion

commodiously arranged

common substratum

commonplace allusions

compact fitness

comparative scantiness

compassionate love

compelling force

compendious abstract

compensatory character

competent authority

competitive enterprise

complacent platitudes

complaining sea

complaisant observation

complete aloofness

complex notions

complicated maze

complimentary glance

component aspects

composed zeal

composite growth

compound idea

comprehensive design

compressed view

compromising rashness

compulsory repetition

compunctious visitings [compunctious = feeling guilt]

concatenated pedantries [pedantries = attention to detail or rules]

concealed advantage

conceivable comparison

concentrated vigor

concerted action

conciliating air

concomitant events

concrete realities

concurrent testimony

condemnable rashness

condescending badinage [badinage = frivolous banter]

conditional approval

confessed ardor

confidently anticipated

confirmed misanthrope [misanthrope = one who dislikes people in general]

conflicting influences

confused mingling

conjectural estimate

conjugal felicity

connected series

connotative damage

connubial love

conquering intelligence

conscientious objection

conscious repugnance

consecrated endeavor

consequent retribution

conservative distrust

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.