The accelerated beat of his thoughts
The affluent splendor of the summer day
The afternoon was filled with sound and sunshine
The afternoon was waning
The air and sky belonged to midsummer
The air darkened swiftly
The air is touched with a lazy fragrance, as of hidden flowers
The air was caressed with song
The air was full of fugitive strains of old songs
The air was raw and pointed
The allurements of a coquette
The ambition and rivalship of men
The angry blood burned in his face
The anguish of a spiritual conflict tore his heart
The artificial smile of languor
The awful and implacable approach of doom
The babble of brooks grown audible
The babbledom that dogs the heels of fame
The bait proved incredibly successful
The balm of solitary musing
The beauty straightway vanished
The beckonings of alien appeals
The benign look of a father
The blandishments of pleasure and pomp of power
The blinding mist came down and hid the land
The blue bowl of the sky, all glorious with the blaze of a million worlds
The bound of the pulse of spring
The buzz of idolizing admiration
The caressing peace of bright soft sunshine
The chaotic sound of the sea
The chill of forlorn old age
The chill of night crept in from the street
The chivalric sentiment of honor
The chivalrous homage of respect
The clamorous agitation of rebellious passions
The clouded, restless, jaded mood
The constant iteration of the sea’s wail
The contagion of extravagant luxury
The conversation became desultory [desultory = haphazardly; random]
The crowning touch of pathos
The current of his ideas flowed full and strong
The dance whizzed on with cumulative fury
The dawn is singing at the door
The day sang itself into evening
The day was at once redolent and vociferous
[redolent = emitting
fragrance; aromatic; suggestive; reminiscent]
[vociferous = conspicuously
and offensively loud]
The day was blind with fog
The day was gracious
The days passed in a stately procession
The days when you dared to dream
The debilitating fears of alluring fate
The deep and solemn purple of the summer night
The deep flush ebbed out of his face
The deep tranquillity of the shaded solitude
The deepening twilight filled with shadowy visions
The deepest wants and aspirations of his soul
The delicatest reproof of imagined distrust
The demerit of an unworthy alliance