Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

She disarmed anger and softened asperity [asperity = harshness]

She disclaimed fatigue

She fell into a dreamy silence

She fell into abstracted reverie

She felt herself carried off her feet by the rush of incoherent impressions

She flushed an agitated pink

She forced a faint quivering smile

She frowned incomprehension

She had an air of restrained fury

She had an undercurrent of acidity

She hugged the thought of her own unknown and unapplauded integrity

She lingered a few leisurely seconds

She nodded mutely

She nourished a dream of ambition

She permitted herself a delicate little smile

She poured out on him the full opulence of a proud recognition

She questioned inimically [inimically = unfriendly; hostile]

She recaptured herself with difficulty

She regarded him stonily out of flint-blue eyes

She sat eyeing him with frosty calm

She seemed the embodiment of dauntless resolution

She seemed wrapped in a veil of lassitude

She shook hands grudgingly

She softened her frown to a quivering smile

She spoke with hurried eagerness

She spoke with sweet severity

She stilled and trampled on the inward protest

She stood her ground with the most perfect dignity

She strangled a fierce tide of feeling that welled up within her

She swept away all opposing opinion with the swift rush of her enthusiasm

She thrived on insincerity

She twitted him merrily

She was both weary and placated

She was conscious of a tumultuous rush of sensations

She was demure and dimly appealing

She was exquisitely simple

She was gripped with a sense of suffocation and panic

She was in an anguish of sharp and penetrating remorse

She was oppressed by a dead melancholy

She was stricken to the soul

She wore an air of wistful questioning

Sheer superfluity of happiness

Sickening contrasts and diabolic ironies of life

Silence fell

Singing lustily as if to exorcise the demon of gloom

Skirmishes and retreats of conscience

Slender experience of the facts of life

Slope towards extinction

Slow the movement was and tortuous

Slowly disengaging its significance from the thicket of words

So innocent in her exuberant happiness

Soar into a rosy zone of contemplation

Softened by the solicitude of untiring and anxious love

Solitary and sorely smitten souls

Some dim-remembered and dream-like images

Some exquisite refinement in the architecture of the brain

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.