From the top of a hill on the north side of Lake Mendota I gained a last wistful, lingering view of the beautiful University grounds and buildings where I had spent so many hungry and happy and hopeful days. There with streaming eyes I bade my blessed Alma Mater farewell. But I was only leaving one University for another, the Wisconsin University for the University of the Wilderness.
early interest in, 51-53;
emigration to, 53-59.
Anderson, Mr., 216, 217.
Anemone patens var. Nuttalliana, 119-121.
man’s tyranny over, 83, 84, 109,
110, 181;
accidents to, 133-136;
the taming of, 185, 186;
cleanliness, 187, 188;
endurance of cold, 189, 190.
Apples, wild, 124.
Audubon, John James, on the passenger pigeon, 52, 53, 162-166.
Aurora borealis, 205, 206.
Badgers, 183.
Bathing, 16, 17;
of animals, 187, 188;
of man, 188, 189.
See also Swimming.
Bear, black, 171, 183, 184.
Bees, 234-239.
Beetle, whirligig, 114.
Berries, 122, 123.
Bible, the, 242-244.
removing their eggs, 64, 65;
met with in Wisconsin, 64-75, 137-167;
accidents to, 131-135;
bathing, 187, 188.
Birds’-nesting, 27, 28, 44-48.
red-winged, 142, 143;
hunting, 175.
the minister, 108;
his cruelty to his brother, 214-217.
nest, 62, 139;
a favorite, 138, 139.
Boat, 115.
Boatmen (insects), 115.
Bobolink, 140, 141.
Bob-white, or quail,
accidents to, 133-135;
habits, 151, 152.
Books, 241-245.
Botany, first lessons in, 280-283.
Boys, savagery of, 23-26.
Brush fires, 76, 77.
Bull-bat, or nighthawk, 69-71.
Bullfrogs, 74.
Butterfly-weed, 122.
a boy’s cruel prank, 23-26;
a cat with kittens, 77, 78;
old Tom and the loon, 155-158.
Charlie, the feeble-minded man, 214-217.
Chickadee, 143, 144.
Chickens, prairie, 145, 146.
Chipmunk, 193, 194.
Choke-damp, 232, 233.
Chores, 202-204.
Christian Philosopher, The, by Thomas Dick, 242.
Clocks, 252-258.
Clover, 199, 200.
Combe’s Physiology, 188.
Consumption, 212, 213.
Coons, 170, 184, 185.
Copperhead, 110, 111.
Corn, husking, 105, 106.
Cows, sympathy with, 94.
Crane, sandhill, 68, 97.
Crops, Wisconsin, 199, 200.
Cypripedium, 121, 122.
Dandy Doctor terror, the, 6-9.