Mantis, the Empusa pauperata, 97
Mantis, the Grey, 96
Mantis, the Praying, 68-101
Cannibalism of, 82-5
Courtship, 79-83
Hunter, as, 68-78
Nest of, 86-101
Melolontha fullo, see Pine-chafer
Minotaur, 225
Oak Eggar, the, 202-16, 234-7
Experiments as to sense of
smell in males, 208-15
Swarming of males during the
mating season, 204-15
Odynerus, 150-1, 172
Osmia tricornis, 173, 175
Pea, ancestry of the, 258-9
Pea-Weevil, see Weevil
Peacock Moth, the Great, 179-201, 234-7
Appearance of, 179
Experiments as to sense of
smell in males, 184-97
Invasion of house by males, 180-1
Swarming of males, 181-3
Peacock Moth, the Lesser, 197-201
Phalangist, the, 225
Philanthus aviporus, 150-178
Cocoon of, 168
Diet of, 150-1
Larvae of, 168
Methods of killing and robbing
bees, 151-160
Motives of robbery, 163-78
Nest of, 167
Philanthus coronatus, 178
Philanthus raptor, 178
Pine-chafer, the, 317-23
Appearance of, 320
Cry of, 322-3
Habits of, 321
Medical qualities of, supposed,
Name, origin of Latin, 317-18
Pliny, on the Pine-chafer, 318-19
Saprinidae, victims of arum, 233
Sapromyzon, the, 222
Scarabaeus, see Golden Scarabaeus
Scent in Insects, see Peacock Moth,
Oak Eggar, Bolboceras Gallicus,
arum, putrid
Scolia, 171
Sisyphus, legend of, 139
Sisyphus Beetle, the, 136-49
Burrow of, 143
Larva of, 147-9
Mating of, 142-3
Paternal instinct of 142-6
Pellet of, 142-9
Tachytus, 172
Tigno, nest of Mantis, 99-101
Truffle-Beetle, 222
Truffle-Dog, 218-20
Weevil, Acorn, see Elephant-Beetle
Weevil, the Lentil, 291
Weevil, the Haricot, 282-94
Habits of, 291-6
Invasion of, 284
Larvae, 297-9
Weevil, the Pea, 258-81, 295
Description of, 261
Enemy, its chief, 280-1
Habits, 261-5
(Deductions to
be drawn from), 273-4
Larvae of, 268-71, 275-6