The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor's Study eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor's Study.

The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor's Study eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor's Study.

“Well, then, sir, we might just as well sit down and wait for the detective’s arrival,” said the judge.

“You are waiting for some one besides the doctor?” asked the local magistrate timidly.

“Yes, His Grace telegraphed to Budapest,” answered the district judge, looking at his watch.  “And if the train is on time, the man we are waiting for ought to be here in an hour.  You sent the carriage to the station, didn’t you?  Is the driver reliable?”

“Yes, sir, he is a dependable man,” said the old housekeeper.

Dr. Orszay entered the room just then and the Count introduced him to the district judge, who was still a stranger to him.

“I fear, Count, that our eyes will serve but little in discovering the truth of this mystery,” said the doctor.

The nobleman nodded.  “I agree with you,” he replied.  “And I have sent for sharper eyes than either yours or mine.”

The doctor looked his question, and the Count continued:  “When the news came to me I telegraphed to Pest for a police detective, telling them that the case was peculiar and urgent.  I received an answer as I stopped at the station on my way here.  This is it:  ’Detective Joseph Muller from Vienna in Budapest by chance.  Have sent him to take your case.’”

“Muller?” exclaimed Dr. Orszay.  “Can it be the celebrated Muller, the most famous detective of the Austrian police?  That would indeed be a blessing.”

“I hope and believe that it is,” said the Count gravely.  “I have heard of this man and we need such a one here that we may find the source of these many misfortunes which have overwhelmed our peaceful village for two years past.  It is indeed a stroke of good luck that has led a man of such gifts into our neighbourhood at a time when he is so greatly needed.  I believe personally that it is the same person or persons who have been the perpetrators of all these outrages and I intend once for all to put a stop to it, let it cost what it may.”

“If any one can discover the truth it will be Muller,” said the district judge.  “It was I who told the Count how fortunate we were that this man, who is known to the police throughout Austria and far beyond the borders of our kingdom, should have chanced to be in Budapest and free to come to us when we called.  You and I”—­he turned with a smile to the local magistrate—­“you and I can get away with the usual cases of local brutality hereabouts.  But the cunning that is at the bottom of these crimes is one too many for us.”

The men had taken their places around the great dining-table.  The old housekeeper had crept out again, her terror making her forget her usual hospitality.  And indeed it would not have occurred to the guests to ask or even to wish for any refreshment.  The maid brought a lamp, which sent its weak rays scarcely beyond the edges of the big table.  The four men sat in silence for some time.

Project Gutenberg
The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor's Study from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.