With Our Soldiers in France eBook

Sherwood Eddy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about With Our Soldiers in France.

With Our Soldiers in France eBook

Sherwood Eddy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about With Our Soldiers in France.
of Oxford, has been giving religious lectures.  Principal D. S. Cairns, of Aberdeen, has had crowded meetings night after night for his apologetic lectures, and the questions raised in the open discussions would make one think he was in a theological seminary.  Principal Kitchie, of Nottingham, has been lecturing on European history and the Balkan situation.  Bishop Knight is giving his time seven days a week to looking after the spiritual and ecclesiastical needs of the men, as many seek confirmation and partake of the Holy Communion before going up to the front.  Here are Scotch ministers, Anglican clergymen, and laymen, working side by side in a great ministry of service.

A series of missionary lectures has helped to give the men a new world view of Christianity.  It has lifted the simple villager, and the man who has never known anything save the narrow ruts of his own denomination, above the petty interests and divisions of his former life to face world problems and the wide extension of the Kingdom of God.  Four lecturers have followed each other to present a great world view to the men in these thirty huts:  Butcher of New Guinea showed the effect of the impact of the Gospel upon primitive native races; Farquhar of India showed the power of Christianity over the great ethnic religions of India; Lord Wm. Gascoyne Cecil came next on the transformation of China, and was followed by Dennis of Madagascar and Dr. Datta, a living witness of the power of Christianity in the great Indian empire.  John McNeill and Gipsy Smith, the well-known evangelists, have spoken to thousands and have brought the challenge of the Christian Gospel to the men, calling upon them for decisions and a change of life in harmony with the teachings of Christ.

Here are some of the finest spirits of England, some of its intellectual and spiritual leaders, brought into daily contact with the manhood of the nation in this formative period and epoch-making crisis.  Before us hangs the program for the week.  It looks like the schedule of classes and lectures for some great university.  It is drawn up in seven columns for the seven days of the week, and includes a score of centers, with an average of three events for each hut per day.  It would cover several closely printed pages.  Here are some of the events scheduled for a single night: 

Hut No. 1, lecture on “The Meaning of Christianity,” by Mr. A. D. Mann; choir rehearsal; devotional meeting.  No. 2, Rev. Butcher of New Guinea, lecture on “The Failure of Civilization”; French class; Clean Talk League.  No. 3, lecture by Lord Wm. Cecil on China; French class; hobby class.  No. 4, cavalry band orchestra; Communion Service; evening prayers.  No. 5, Lena Ashwell Concert Party from London.  No. 6, Rev. N. H. M. Aitken, Bible lecture and discussion; orchestral band.  No. 7, concert party; general hospital show.  No. 8, lecture on Napoleon by Mr. Perkins; Mrs. Luard’s concert party.  No. 9, concert given by the men of the

Project Gutenberg
With Our Soldiers in France from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.