The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

Hutchinson’s teeth in hereditary syphilitics, 102

Hygiene, personal, of the syphilitic, 136

IDIOCY in hereditary syphilis, 101

Immunity in syphilis, absence of, 139
  hereditary, 106

Incubation period of syphilis, 28, 29

Infection, break in skin necessary to, 28
  double, with gonorrhea and syphilis, 30
  with syphilis and chancroid, 30
  point of entry of, site of chancre, 29
  risks of, 32
  time elapsing after, before chancre appears, 29
  unsuspected risk of, 161
  with syphilis favored by moisture, 27

Infectiousness of syphilis. See contagiousness
  of syphilitic discharges, 28

Infiltration, gummatous, in late syphilis, 46
  in hereditary syphilis, 102

Injections, mercurial, 66

Innocence, question of, in transmission of syphilis, 118

Inoculation, favorable ground for, 114

Insane asylums, amount of syphilitic mental disease in, 50

Inunctions, advantages of, 66
  disadvantages of, 65
  mercurial, 65
  number required for cure, 66

Iodid of potash, 69

Irresponsible mental attitude in syphilis, 150, 151

Irritation, effect of, on contagious recurrences, 43

Italy, non-compulsory treatment in, 180
  provision for treatment of venereal disease in, 169

KERATITIS, interstitial, in hereditary syphilis, 103

Kernels. See glands

Keyes’ estimate of risk of infection of wife by husband, 125

Kissing, rules governing, in syphilitics, 138
  transmission of syphilis by, 116

Knuckle chancre, 116

LATE syphilis, non-contagious character of, 110
  premature development of, 45
  prospects for cure in, 86

Latent or concealed syphilis, 22

Law, Ohio, relative to physicians and marriage of syphilitics, 131
  controlling professional confidence, 131
  crippling physician in relation to marriage of syphilitics, 131
  providing for compulsory treatment in various countries, 180

Legal control, necessity for, in irresponsible syphilitics, 153

Legislation, conservative, 167
  indirect, against venereal disease, 169
  undesirable and freak, 166

Legs in locomotor ataxia, 49

Lemberg, study of prostitutes in city of, 134

Lesion, primary. See chancre; also sore

Life, well-balanced, for syphilitic, 137

Lip, chancre of, glands in, 33

Liquid medicine, giving of mercury in form of, 65

Liquor, alcoholic, effect of, in syphilis, 137
  traffic, importance of abolition of, in prevention of venereal
  disease, 184

Liver, Spirochaeta pallida in, 39

Locomotor ataxia, 48
  frequency of, 51
  stomach symptoms in (gastric crises), 49
  symptoms in legs, bladder and rectum, 49
  syphilitic germs in spinal cord in, 49
  treatment and prevention of, 52

Project Gutenberg
The Third Great Plague from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.