The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.
    hospitals in, 171
    importance of salvarsan in, 89
    in pay-patient clinics and hospitals, 173
    necessity for cheap salvarsan in, 172
    various state provisions for, 168, 169
    Wassermann test in, 57
    with salvarsan and mercury combined, 89
  specific methods of, 60

Troops, syphilis and gonorrhea in, 182


VEDDER’S estimate of prevalence of syphilis, 25

Venereal disease, 16
    and marriage, annulment of, 132
    effect of universal military service on, 184
    European and American provision in regard to care of, 169, 170
    importance of national prohibition in controlling, 184
    proposed military measures in connection with, 183
    relation of war to spread of, 182
    world-wide movement against, 164
  hospitals and freak legislation, 167

Vermont, reporting of syphilis in, 178

Vice Commission, Baltimore, syphilis in prostitutes, 134

Virulence of syphilis in 15th and 16th centuries, 12

Vomiting in locomotor ataxia, 49

WAR, control of venereal diseases during, 183, 184

War, relation of, to spread of venereal disease, 182

Warts, contagious syphilitic, 42

Washing, effect of, on transmission of syphilis by dishes, 114

Wassermann test, 54
  as evidence of fitness to marry, 130
  difficulties of, 55
  effect of mercury on, 67
    of treatment on, 58
  factor of error in, 56
  importance of expert performance of, 174
    to pregnant mother, 97
  in connection with adoption of children, 106
  in determining cure of syphilis, 58, 90
  in family where one member is syphilitic, 128
  in freak legislation, 167
  in late hereditary syphilis, 106
  in syphilitic mothers, 93
  negative, development of infectious sores in spite of, 123
    meaning of, 56
  on spinal fluid, 59
  persistently positive, 58
  positive, meaning of, 56
  practical details concerning, 59
  provocative, 130
  use of, in recognizing early syphilis, 33

Weight, loss of, in secondary recurrences, 43
  in secondary syphilis, 36

Welander homes for hereditary syphilis, 108

West Australia, action of, against drug stores prescribing for
syphilis, 176
  attitude of, on personal Metchnikoff prophylaxis, 177
  compulsory treatment of syphilis in, 180
  state provision of, for treatment of venereal diseases, 170

Wet nurses, syphilis in, 100

Wife, importance of cure for, 128
  infection of, by husband during pregnancy, 94
  risk of infecting, 125

Williams, syphilis and mental diseases, statistics on, 50

Womb, chancre on neck of, 30

Women, child-bearing, effect of syphilis on, 95
  employment of, in connection with problem of controlling venereal
    diseases in war times, 184
  miscarriages and abortions in, due to syphilis, 95
  syphilis in lax, 133

Project Gutenberg
The Third Great Plague from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.