The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

The Third Great Plague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Third Great Plague.

Neck, enlargement of glands in, 33, 34

Neosalvarsan, 75

Nervous strain, effect of, on syphilis, 137
  system, complications, relation of, to mild secondary syphilis, 45, 46
    examination of, in determining cure of syphilis, 90
    relapses, 43
    Spirochaeta pallida in, 39

New York City, clinics and dispensaries in, 170
  reporting of syphilis in, 178

Noguchi, 48
  test, luetin, 79

Non-genital syphilis, estimate of percentage of, 119
  in lax individuals, 133, 134

Notification of venereal disease. See reporting

Nurse, accidental infection of, with syphilis, 116
  wet, syphilis in, 100

Nursing mothers, syphilitic germs in milk of, 39
  of syphilitic child by mother, 101

OHIO, law permitting physician to prevent marriage of contagious syphilitic person, 131

Overwork, effect of, on syphilitics, 137

PAPEE’S study of prostitution in Lemberg, 134

Paralysis, general, danger to others in, 49, 50
  estimated frequency of, 51
  mental symptoms in, 49
  of insane, 48
  syphilitic germs in brain in, 49
  treatment and prevention of, 52

Paresis, 48. See also paralysis, general

Paris, increase of syphilis in, during war, 183

Physician, accidental infection of, with syphilis, 116
  cooeperation of, in educating syphilitic, 148
  importance of informing, in regard to syphilis, 105, 140
  inability of, to prevent marriage of persons with syphilis, 131

Physician proper person to administer Metchnikoff prophylaxis, 163

Piles, contagious sores mistaken for, 43

Pills, ineffectiveness of, in treating syphilis, 65
  mercury, 65

Pinkus’ estimate of syphilis in Germany, 25

Pontopidan’s estimate of number of hospitals needed for venereal diseases, 171

Population, civil, syphilis in, 183
  general, prevention of venereal disease in, during war time, 184

Potash, iodid of, 69

Pregnancy, syphilis acquired during, 94
  treatment of mother during, 97

Prevalence of gonorrhea, estimates of, 26
  of syphilis, estimates of, 24, 25

Prevention of locomotor ataxia and general paralysis, 52
  of syphilis. See prophylaxis

Primary lesion. See chancre
  stage. See also chancre
    contagiousness of syphilis in, 109
    cure of syphilis in, 85

Prohibition, national, importance of, in controlling venereal disease, 184

Prophylaxis, educational, 157
  state provision for, 168
  Metchnikoff, 162
    utilization of, in public campaign, 177
  moral, of syphilis, 156

Prophylaxis, personal, of syphilis, continence in, 161
  general instruction in, 169
  in army and navy, 162
  physician proper person to administer, 163
  unsatisfactory features of, 162

Project Gutenberg
The Third Great Plague from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.