Model Speeches for Practise eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about Model Speeches for Practise.

Model Speeches for Practise eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about Model Speeches for Practise.

In the name of the Queen and the other members of my family, on behalf of the Princess and for myself, I thank you most sincerely for your enthusiastic reception of this toast, proposed by you, my Lord Mayor, in such kind and generous terms.  Your feeling allusion to our recent long absence from our happy family circle gives expression to that sympathy which has been so universally extended to my dear parents, whether in times of joy or sorrow, by the people of this country, and upon which my dear mother felt she could ever reckon from the first days of her life here amongst them.  As to ourselves, we are deeply sensible of the great honor done us on this occasion, and our hearts are moved by the splendid reception which to-day has been accorded us by the authorities and inhabitants of the City of London.  And I desire to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for the sympathetic interest with which our journey was followed by our fellow countrymen at home, and for the warm welcome with which we were greeted on our return.  You were good enough, my Lord Mayor, to refer to his Majesty having marked our home-coming by creating me Prince of Wales.  I only hope that I may be worthy to hold that ancient and historic title, which was borne by my dear father for upward of fifty-nine years.

My Lord Mayor, you have attributed to us more credit than I think we deserve.  For I feel that the debt of gratitude is not the nation’s to us, but ours to the King and Government for having made it possible for us to carry out, with every consideration for our comfort and convenience, a voyage unique in its character, rich in the experience gained and in memories of warm and affectionate greetings from the many races of his Majesty’s subjects in his great dominions beyond the seas.  And here in the capital of our great Empire I would repeat how profoundly touched and gratified we have been by the loyalty, affection and enthusiasm which invariably characterized the welcome extended to us throughout our long and memorable tour.  It may interest you to know that we travelled over 45,000 miles, of which 33,000 were by sea, and I think it is a matter of which all may feel proud that, with the exception of Port Said, we never set foot on any land where the Union Jack did not fly.  Leaving England in the middle of March, we first touched at Gibraltar and Malta, where, as a sailor, I was proud to meet the two great fleets of the Channel and Mediterranean.  Passing through the Suez Canal—­a monument of the genius and courage of a gifted son of the great friendly nation across the Channel—­we entered at Aden the gateway of the East.  We stayed for a short time to enjoy the unrivaled scenery of Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula, the gorgeous displays of their native races, and to see in what happy contentment these various peoples live and prosper under British rule.  Perhaps there was something still more striking in the fact that the Government, the commerce,

Project Gutenberg
Model Speeches for Practise from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.