Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole.

Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole.

WALLICH, G. C. ’63.  Observations on an undescribed indigenous Amoeba. 
      Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist. (3), XI, XII.

WESTON, J. ’56.  On the Actinophrys sol.  Q. J. M. S., IV, p. 116.

WRZESNIOWSKI A. ’61.  Observations sur quelques Infusoires.  Ann. d.
      sc. nat. zool. (6), XVI.

——­ ’69.  Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Infusorien.  Arch. f. mik. 
      Anat., V, p. 25.

——­ ’70.  Beobachtungen ueber Infusorien a. d.  Umgebung v.  Warschau. 
      Zeit. wiss.  Zool., XX, p. 467.

Project Gutenberg
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.