Anterior part
with 3 equatorial Genus *_Ceratium_
and no rhombic
9. Anterior part with 14 equatorial
Genus Pyrophacus
and 1 rhombic
Anterior part
with 7 equatorial Genus Goniodoma
Anterior part
with 4 equatorial Genus Amphidoma
10. Apical extremity drawn out
Genus Podolampas
into a tube
Apical extremity
not drawn out Genus Blepharocysta
into a tube
11. Cross-furrow deep, with great
Genus Ceratocorys
ledge-like walls
Cross-furrow wide,
no ledge-like Genus Oxytoxum
* Presence at Woods Hole indicated by asterisk.
Diagnostic characters: The cross-furrow is above the center of the body, and its edges, as well as the left edge of the longitudinal furrow, are usually produced into characteristic ledges; those of the cross-furrow usually form great funnel-like anterior processes, while those of the longitudinal furrow usually form great, lateral, wing-like processes ornamented by ribs and other markings.
1. Without shell; longitudinal
Genus *_Amphidinium_
furrow may open
& close
2. With shell; longitudinal
furrow 3
3. With distinct apical funnel 4
No apical funnel Genus Phalacroma
4. With great wing-like ledge 5
Ledges very small;
body long, Genus Amphisolenia
5. Ledge of longitudinal furrow
extends to posterior
Ledge of longitudinal furrow Genus Dinophysis does not extend to posterior end (Recorded by Peck (’93-’95) as very abundant at Woods Hole and in Buzzards Bay.)
6. Ledge is continued dorsally
to Genus Ornithocercus
the cross-furrow
Ledge is not continued dorsally 7
7. With deep dorsal cavity;
Genus Citharistes
secondary funnel
not notched
No dorsal cavity;
secondary Genus Histioneis
funnel deeply
* Presence at Woods Hole indicated by asterisk.
Genus EXUVIAELLA Cienkowsky ’82.
(Klebs ’81; Pouchet ’83, ’86.)
The form varies from globular to ovoid, with occasionally a sharp posterior end. Shells are usually somewhat compressed, and consist of two valves, which frequently slide one over the other in such a manner as to show the structure with great clearness. The right shell may have a distinct indentation in the anterior edge. There are two lateral, discoid, brown chromatophores, each of which possesses a central amylum granule. The nucleus is posterior. Salt water.