Tanistry, what, vii. 297.
Taste, discourse concerning it, i. 79.
definition of it, i. 81.
want of it, whence, i. 95.
a wrong or bad one, what, i. 95.
a good one, i. 96.
of no mean importance in the regulation
of life, iv. 30.
Taxes, mode of levying them in commercial colonies
important and difficult consideration,
i. 354.
nature of several in America, i. 355.
colonial, Lord North’s project of
a ransom of them by auction, ii. 171.
the great contests for freedom in England
chiefly upon the
question of taxing, ii. 120.
taxes on different establishments, remarks
concerning them, i. 368.
upon salaries, ii. 283.
details of English taxes, v. 476.
Terror, sometimes a source of delight, i. 119.
how, i. 214.
an effect of the sublime, i. 130.
its physical effects, i. 211.
Test Act, observations on it, iv. 264.
Thanes, brief account of them, vii. 300.
Theatre, general observations on the, iii. 338.
prosperous condition of it in England,
v. 485.
made an affair of state in the French
Republic, vi. 104.
Theodorus, Archbishop of Canterbury, brief account
of him, vii. 249.
his services to the cause of letters in
England, vii. 249.
Three Seals, the history of the affair so called, ix. 408.
Time blends the conquered with the conquerors, iv. 272.
Toleration, true, exemplified, iii. 431.
ought to be tender and large, iv. 258.
favorable to, and a part of Christianity,
vii. 25.
not a virtue of the ancient heathens,
vii. 31.
Toulon, fleet of, injudicious measures of the English
with regard to it, iv. 445.
Townshend, Charles, character of him, ii. 64.
Trade, sometimes seems to perish when it only assumes
different form, i. 313.
quickly and deeply affected by taxes,
i. 391.
tests of the state of it, what, v. 493.
Board of, its character and history, ii.
Tragedy, observations on the effects of, i. 120.
its subjects and passions, vii. 150.
great personages everywhere made the objects
of it, xi. 308.
Transmigration of souls, origin of the doctrine, vii. 181.
Treasurer’s staff, Lord Coke’s account of the purpose of it, ii. 354.
Trent, Council of, its wise introduction of the discipline
seminaries for priests, iv.
Triangle, the poorest of all figures in its effect, i. 152.
Triennial Parliaments, evils of them, vii. 79.
Trinoda necessitas, in Saxon law, what, vii. 325.
Turkey, power sought there with avidity, notwithstanding
danger and insecurity of its
tenure, vii. 82.
Tyranny, aggravated by contumely, ii. 484.
the desire and design of it often lurk
in the claim of an
extravagant liberty, iv. 115.
never learns moderation from the ill success
of first oppressions, x. 83.