Moneyed men, ought to be allowed to set a value on their money, v. 455.
Monk, General, character of the army commanded by him, iv. 36.
Monopoly of authority, an evil; of capital, a benefit, v. 151.
Montesquieu, his remark on the legislators of antiquity,
iii. 477.
character of him, iv. 211.
his false view of the people of India,
xi. 207.
Moral duties, not necessary that the reasons of them
should be made
clear to all, i. 7.
Moral order of things, great disasters in it affect
the mind like
miracles in the physical,
iii. 337.
Moral questions never abstract ones, vii. 55.
Moral reasoning, compared with mathematical and metaphysical, vii. 73.
Mortality, a general one always a time of remarkable wickedness, vii. 84.
Multitudes, the shouting of, a source of the sublime,
i. 159.
a multitude told by the head, not the
people, iv. 183.
Munny Begum, (of Bengal,) her history, x. 195; xii.
appointed by Mr. Hastings regent of Bengal,
and guardian of the
Nabob, x. 196; xii. 218.
(of Oude,) her noble birth, rank, and
connections, xii. 46.
Music, remark concerning the beautiful in it, i. 204.
Mystery, in any matter of policy, affords presumption of fraud, xii. 79.
Nabob of Arcot, the Subah of the Deccan sold to him
by the
East India Company, ii. 450.
nature of his debts, iii. 25, 28, 29,
35, 39, 47.
Nabob of Oude, conduct of the East India Company towards him, ii. 466.
Nantes, Edict of, reason assigned by Louis XIV. for
the revocation
of it, vi. 328.
observations thereon, vi. 328.
Naples, how likely to be affected by the revolution in France, iv. 337.
Nation, Present State of the, Observations on a late
so intituled, i. 269.
character of this publication, i. 274.
state of the nation in 1770, i. 437.
speculation of the ministry on the cause
of it, i. 438.
animadversions on their views, i. 439.
National Assembly of France, corresponds with the
Society of London, iii. 237.
its composition and character, iii. 283,
studies recommended by it to the youth
of France, iv. 25.
its worship of Rousseau, iv. 25.
Natural powers in man, the senses, the imagination,
and the judgment,
i. 82.
Nature, state of, inconveniences of it, i. 10.
the social, impels a man to propagate
his principles, v. 361.
Navigation, Act of, its policy, i. 378; ii. 30, 38.
Navy, the great danger of economical experiments upon it, i. 345.
Necessity, the plea of, remarks on it, v. 450.
Negro Code, Sketch of a, vi. 262.
Negro slaves, denunciation of attempts to excite insurrections
among them
in the colonies by proclamations
of the English governors, vi. 171.