And earth-born lightnings out of bloodbright spray;
Then through the flushed grey gloom on shadowy sheaves
Low flights of falling leaves; 70
And choirs of birds transfiguring as they throng
All the world’s twilight and the soul’s to song.
more dimly deep [Ep.
the inmost heart of sleep,
And tenderer than the rose-mouthed
morning’s lips;
midmost of them heard
viewless water’s word,
The sea’s breath in
the wind’s wing and the ship’s,
That bids one
swell and sound and smite 79
And rend that other in sunder as with fangs by night.
But ah! the glory of shadow and mingling
ray, [Str. 3.
The story of morn and even
Whose tale was writ in heaven
And had for scroll the night, for scribe
the day!
For scribe the prophet of the morning,
Exalted over twilight and her star;
For scroll beneath his Apollonian hand
The dim twin wastes of sea and glimmering
Hark, on the hill-wind, clear
For all men’s hearts to hear
Sound like a stream at nightfall from
the steep
That all time’s depths might answer,
deep to deep,
With trumpet-measures of triumphal wail
From windy vale to vale,
The crying of one for love that strayed
and sinned
Whose brain took madness of the mountain
Between the birds of brighter and duskier
wing, [Ant. 3.
What mightier-moulded forms
Girt with red clouds and storms
Mix their strong hearts with theirs that
soar and sing? 100
Before the storm-blast blown of death’s
dark horn
The marriage moonlight withers, that the
For two made one may find three made by
One ruin at the blasting of its breath:
Clothed with heart’s flame renewed
And strange new maidenhood,
Faith lightens on the lips that bloomed
for hire
Pure as the lightning of love’s
first-born fire:
Wide-eyed and patient ever, till the curse
Find where to fall and pierce,
Keen expiation whets with edge more dread
A father’s wrong to smite a father’s
supreme from birth [Ep.
loveliest born on earth
Since earth bore ever women
that were fair;
known of her own house
daughter or sister or spouse;
Who holds men’s hearts
yet helpless with her hair;
The direst of
divine things made,
Bows down her amorous aureole half suffused with shade.