Froude's Essays in Literature and History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Froude's Essays in Literature and History.

Froude's Essays in Literature and History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Froude's Essays in Literature and History.

“26.  Item, the said abbot, in times past, hath had a great devotion to ride to Llangarvan, in Wales, upon Lammas-day, to receive pardon there; and on the even he would visit one Mary Hawle, an old acquaintance of his, at the Welsh Poole; and on the morrow ride to the foresaid Llangarvan, to be confessed and absolved, and the same night return to company with the said Mary Hawle, at the Welsh Poole aforesaid, and Kateryn, the said Mary Hawle her first daughter, whom the said abbot long hath kept to concubine, and had children by her, that he lately married at Ludlow.  And [there be] others that have been taken out of his chamber and put in the stocks within the said abbey, and others that have complained upon him to the king’s council of the Marches of Wales; and the woman that dashed out his teeth, that he would have had by violence, I will not name now, nor other men’s wives, lest it would offend your good lordship to read or hear the same.

“27.  Item, the said abbot doth daily embezzle, sell, and convey the goods, and chattels, and jewels of the said monastery, having no need so to do; for it is thought that he hath a thousand marks or two thousand lying by him that he hath gotten by selling of orders, and the jewels and plate of the monastery and corradyes; and it is to be feared that he will alienate all the rest, unless your good lordship speedily make redress and provision to let the same.

“28.  Item, the said abbot was accustomed yearly to preach at Leyntwarden on the Festival of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, where and when the people were wont to offer to an image there, and to the same the said abbot in his sermons would exhort them and encourage them.  But now the oblations be decayed, the abbot, espying the image then to have a cote of silver plate and gilt, hath taken away of his own authority the said image, and the plate turned to his own use; and left his preaching there, saying it is no manner profit to any man, and the plate that was about the said image was named to be worth forty pounds.

“29.  Item, the said abbot hath ever nourished enmity and discord among his brethren; and hath not encouraged them to learn the laws and the mystery of Christ.  But he that least knew was most cherished by him; and he hath been highly displeased and [hath] disdained when his brothers would say that ’it is God’s precept and doctrine that ye ought to prefer before your ceremonies and vain constitutions.’  This saying was high disobedient, and should be grievously punished; when that lying, obloquy, flattery, ignorance, derision, contumely, discord, great swearing, drinking, hypocrisy, fraud, superstition, deceit, conspiracy to wrong their neighbour, and other of that kind, was had in special favour and regard.  Laud and praise be to God that hath sent us the true knowledge.  Honour and long prosperity to our sovereign lord, and his noble council that teaches to advance the same.  Amen.

“By John Lee, your faithful bedeman, and canon of the said monastery of Wigmore.

Project Gutenberg
Froude's Essays in Literature and History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.