Froude's Essays in Literature and History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Froude's Essays in Literature and History.

Froude's Essays in Literature and History eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Froude's Essays in Literature and History.

“6.  Item, the said abbot hath alienate and sold the jewels and plate of the monastery, to the value of five hundred marks, to purchase of the Bishop of Rome his bulls to be a bishop, and to annex the said abbey to his bishopric, to that intent that he should not for his misdeeds be punished, or deprived from his said abbey.

“7.  Item, that the said abbot, long after that other bishops had renounced the Bishop of Rome, and professed them to the King’s Majesty, did use, but more verily usurped, the office of a bishop by virtue of his first bulls purchased from Rome, till now of late, as it will appear by the date of his confirmation, if he have any.

“8.  Item, that he the said abbot hath lived viciously, and kept to concubines divers and many women that is openly known.

“9.  Item, that the said abbot doth yet continue his vicious living, as it is known, openly.

“10.  Item, that the said abbot hath spent and wasted much of the goods of the said monastery upon the foresaid women.

“11.  Item, that the said abbot is malicious and very wrathful, not regarding what he saith or doeth in his fury or anger.

“12.  Item, that one Richard Gyles bought of the abbot and convent of Wigmore a corradye, and a chamber for him and his wife for term of their lives; and when the said Richard Gyles was aged and was very weak, he disposed his goods, and made executors to execute his will.  And when the said abbot now being perceived that the said Richard Gyles was rich, and had not bequested so much of his goods to him as he would have had, the said abbot then came to the chamber of the said Richard Gyles, and put out thence all his friends and kinsfolk that kept him in his sickness; and then the said abbot set his brother and other of his servants to keep the sick man; and the night next coming after the said Richard Gyles’s coffer was broken, and thence taken all that was in the same, to the value of forty marks; and long after the said abbot confessed, before the executors of the said Richard Gyles, that it was his deed.

“13.  Item, that the said abbot, after he had taken away the goods of the said Richard Gyles, used daily to reprove and check the said Richard Gyles, and inquire of him where was more of his coin and money; and at the last the said abbot thought he lived too long, and made the sick man, after much sorry keeping, to be taken from his feather-bed, and laid upon a cold mattress, and kept his friends from him to his death.

“15.  Item, that the said abbot consented to the death and murdering of one John Tichhill, that was slain at his procuring, at the said monastery, by Sir Richard Cubley, canon and chaplain to the said abbot; which canon is and ever hath been since that time chief of the said abbot’s council; and is supported to carry crossbowes, and to go whither he lusteth at any time, to fishing and hunting in the king’s forests, parks, and chases; but little or nothing serving the quire, as other brethren do, neither corrected of the abbot for any trespass he doth commit.

Project Gutenberg
Froude's Essays in Literature and History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.