Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.

Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.


If we would say that man is too insignificant to deserve communion with
God, we must indeed be very great to judge of it.


It is, in peculiar phraseology, wholly the body of Jesus Christ, but it cannot be said to be the whole body of Jesus Christ.[191] The union of two things without change does not enable us to say that one becomes the other; the soul thus being united to the body, the fire to the timber, without change.  But change is necessary to make the form of the one become the form of the other; thus the union of the Word to man.  Because my body without my soul would not make the body of a man; therefore my soul united to any matter whatsoever will make my body.  It does not distinguish the necessary condition from the sufficient condition; the union is necessary, but not sufficient.  The left arm is not the right.

Impenetrability is a property of matter.

Identity de numers in regard to the same time requires the identity of matter.

Thus if God united my soul to a body in China, the same body, idem numero, would be in China.

The same river which runs there is idem numero as that which runs at the same time in China.


Why God has established prayer.

1.  To communicate to His creatures the dignity of causality. 2.  To teach us from whom our virtue comes. 3.  To make us deserve other virtues by work.

(But to keep His own pre-eminence, He grants prayer to whom He pleases.)

Objection:  But we believe that we hold prayer of ourselves.

This is absurd; for since, though having faith, we cannot have virtues, how should we have faith?  Is there a greater distance between infidelity and faith than between faith and virtue?

Merit. This word is ambiguous.

Meruit habere Redemptorem.

Meruit tam sacra membra tangere.

Digno tam sacra membra tangere.

Non sum dignus.[192]

Qui manducat indignus[193]

Dignus est accipere.[194]

Dignare me._

God is only bound according to His promises.  He has promised to grant justice to prayers; He has never promised prayer only to the children of promise.

Saint Augustine has distinctly said that strength would be taken away from the righteous.  But it is by chance that he said it; for it might have happened that the occasion of saying it did not present itself.  But his principles make us see that when the occasion for it presented itself, it was impossible that he should not say it, or that he should say anything to the contrary.  It is then rather that he was forced to say it, when the occasion presented itself, than that he said it, when the occasion presented itself, the one being of necessity, the other of chance.  But the two are all that we can ask.


The elect will be ignorant of their virtues, and the outcast of the greatness of their sins:  “Lord, when saw we Thee an hungered, thirsty?” etc.[195][196]

Project Gutenberg
Pascal's Pensées from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.