Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.

Pascal's Pensées eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Pascal's Pensées.

[284] P. 228, l. 25. Ingrediens mundum.—­Hebrews x, 5.

[285] P. 228, l. 26. Stone upon stone.—­Mark xiii, 2.

[286] P. 229, l. 20. Jesus Christ at last, etc.—­See Mark xii.

[287] P. 230, l. 1. Effundam spiritum meum.—­Joel ii, 28.

[288] P. 230, l. 6. Omnes gentes ... eum.—­Ps. xxii, 27.

[289] P. 230, l. 7. Parum est ut, etc.—­Is. xlix, 6.

[290] P. 230, l. 7. Postula a me.—­Ps. ii, 8.

[291] P. 230, l. 8. Adorabunt ... reges.—­Ps. lxxii, 11.

[292] P. 230, l. 8. Testes iniqui.—­Ps. xxv, 11.

[293] P. 230, l. 8. Dabit maxillam percutienti.—­Lamentations iii, 30.

[294] P. 230, l. 9. Dederunt fel in escam.—­Ps. lxix, 21.

[295] P. 230, l. 11. I will bless them that bless thee.—­Genesis xii,

[296] P. 230, l. 12. All nations blessed in his seed.—­Ibid., xxii,

[297] P. 230, l. 13. Lumen ad revelationem gentium.—­Luke ii, 32.

[298] P. 230, l. 14. Non fecit taliter, etc.—­Ps. cxlvii, 20.

[299] P. 230, l. 20. Bibite ex hoc omnes.—­Matthew xxvi, 27.

[300] P. 230, l. 22. In quo omnes peccaverunt.—­Romans v, 12.

[301] P. 230, l. 26. Ne timeas pusillus grex.—­Luke xii, 32.

[302] P. 230, l. 29. Qui me, etc.—­Matthew x, 40.

[303] P. 230, l. 32. Saint John.—­Luke i, 17.

[304] P. 230, l. 33. Jesus Christ.—­Ibid., xii, 51.

[305] P. 231, l. 5. Omnis Judaea, etc.—­Mark i, 5.

[306] P. 231, l. 7. From these stones, etc.—­Matthew iii, 9.

[307] P. 231, l. 9. Ne convertantur, etc.—­Mark iv, 12.

[308] P. 231, l. 11. Amice, ad quid venisti?—­Matthew xxvi, 50.

[309] P. 231, l. 31. What is a man, etc.—­Luke ix, 25.

[310] P. 231, l. 32. Whosoever will, etc.—­Ibid., 24.

[311] P. 232, l. 1. I am not come, etc.—­Matthew v, 17.

[312] P. 232, l. 2. Lambs took not, etc.—­See John i, 29.

[313] P. 232, l. 4. Moses.—­Ibid., vi, 32; viii, 36.

[314] P. 232, l. 15. Quare, etc.—­Ps. ii, 1, 2.

[315] P. 233, l. 8. I have reserved me seven thousand.—­1 Kings xix,

[316] P. 234, l. 27. Archimedes.—­The founder of statics and
      hydrostatics.  He was born at Syracuse in 287 B.C., and was killed
      in 212 B.C.  He was not a prince, though a relative of a king.  M.
      Havet points out that Cicero talks of him as an obscure man
      (Tusc, v, 23).

[317] P. 235, l. 33. In sanctificationem et in scandalum.—­Is. viii,

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Pascal's Pensées from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.