In the end his Lordship tooke away the Girle from her Father, and committed her to M. Leigh, a very religious Preacher,[M4_a_] and M. Chisnal, two Iustices of the Peace, to be carefully examined. Who tooke great paines to examine her of euery particular point: In the end they came into the Court, and there deliuered this Examination as followeth.
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The Examination of GRACE SOWERBVTS, of Salmesburie, in the Countie of Lancaster, Spinster: Taken vpon Wednesday the 19. of August 1612. Annoq; Reg. Regis, IACOBI Angliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Fidei Defensoris, &c. decimo & Scotiae, xlvi.
WILLIAM LEIGH, and EDWARD CHISNAL, Esquires; two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace in the same Countie: At the Assizes and generall Gaole deliuerie, holden at Lancaster.
Direction of Sir EDWARD BROMLEY Knight, one of his Maiesties Iustices of Assize at Lancaster.
Being demanded whether the accusation shee laid vppon her Grand-mother, Iennet Bierley, Ellen Bierley, and Iane Southworth, of Witchcraft, viz. of the killing of the child of Thomas Walshman, with a naile in the Nauell, the boyling, eating, and oyling, thereby to transforme themselues into diuers shapes, was true; Shee doth vtterly denie the same; or that euer shee saw any such practises done by them.
Shee further saith, that one Master Thompson, which she taketh to be Master Christopher Southworth, to whom shee was sent to learne her prayers, did perswade, counsell, and aduise her, to deale as formerly hath beene said against her said Grand-mother, Aunt, and Southworths wife.
And further shee confesseth and saith, that shee neuer did know, or saw any Deuils, nor any other Visions, as formerly by her hath beene alleaged and informed.
Also shee confesseth and saith, That shee was not throwne or cast vpon the Henne-ruffe, and Hay-mow in the Barne, but that shee went vp vpon the Mow her selfe by the wall side.
Being further demanded whether shee euer was at the Church, shee saith, shee was not, but promised her after to goe to the Church, and that very willingly.
Signum [Symbol: Maltese cross] Grace Sowerbuts.
William Leigh.
Edward Chisnal.
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The Examination of IENNET BIERLEY, ELLEN BIERLEY, and IANE SOVTHWORTH, of Salmesburie, in the Countie of Lancaster, Taken vpon Wednesday the nineteenth of August 1612. Annoq; Reg. Regis, IACOBI Angliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Fidei Defensoris, &c. decimo & Scotiae, xlvi.
WILLIAM LEIGH, and EDWARD CHISNAL, Esquires; two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace in the same Countie: At the Assizes and generall Gaole deliuerie, holden at Lancaster.