the death of the said child; the next night after
the buriall thereof, the said Iennet Bierley
& Ellen Bierley, taking this Examinate with
them, went to Salmesburie Church, and there did take
vp the said child, and the said Iennet did carrie
it out of the Church-yard in her armes, and then did
put it in her lap and carryed it home to her owne
house, and hauing it there did boile some therof in
a Pot, and some did broile on the coales, of both which
the said Iennet & Ellen did eate, and
would haue had this Examinate and one Grace Bierley,
Daughter of the said Ellen, to haue eaten with
them, but they refused so to doe: And afterwards
the said Iennet & Ellen did seethe the
bones of the said child in a pot, & with the Fat that
came out of the said bones, they said they would annoint
themselues,[L2_a_2] that thereby they might sometimes
change themselues into other shapes. And after
all this being done, they said they would lay the
bones againe in the graue the next night following,
but whether they did so or not, this Examinate knoweth
not: Neither doth shee know how they got it out
of the graue at the first taking of it vp. And
being further sworne and examined, she deposeth &
saith, that about halfe a yeare agoe, the said Iennet
Bierley, Ellen Bierley, Iane Southworth,
and this Examinate (who went by the appointment of
the said Iennet her Grand mother) did meete
at a place called Red banck, vpon the North side of
the water of Ribble, euery Thursday and Sonday at
night by the space of a fortnight, and at the water
side there came vnto them, as they went thether, foure
black things, going vpright, and yet not like men
in the face: which foure did carrie the said
three women and this Examinate ouer the Water, and
when they came to the said Red Banck they found some
thing there which they did eate. But this Examinate
saith, shee neuer saw such meate; and therefore shee
durst not eate thereof, although her said Grand mother
did bidde her eate. And after they had eaten,
the said three Women and this Examinate danced, euery
one of them with one of the blacke things aforesaid,
and after their dancing the said black things did
pull downe the said three Women, and did abuse their
bodies, as this Examinate thinketh, for shee saith,
that the black thing that was with her, did abuse
her bodie.
The said Examinate further saith vpon her Oth, That about ten dayes after her Examination taken at Blackborne, shee this Examinate being then come to her Fathers house againe, after shee had beene certaine dayes at her Vnckles house in Houghton: Iane Southworth widow, did meet this Examinate at her Fathers house dore and did carrie her into the loft,[L3_a_] and there did lay her vppon the floore, where shee was shortly found by her Father and brought downe, and laid in a bed, as afterwards shee was told: for shee saith, that from the first meeting of the said