This Iames Deuice of the Forrest of Pendle, being brought to the Barre, was there according to the forme, order, and course, Indicted and Arraigned; for that hee Felloniously had practised, vsed, and exercised diuers wicked and deuillish Arts, called Witch-crafts, Inchauntments, Charmes, and Sorceries, in, and vpon one Anne Towneley, wife of Henrie Towneley of the Carre,[H2_a_2] in the Countie of Lancaster Gentleman, and her by force of the same, felloniously had killed. Contra pacem, &c.
The said Iames Deuice was the second time Indicted and Arraigned in the same manner and forme, for the death of Iohn Duckworth, by witch-craft. Contra pacem, &c.
To these two seuerall Indictments vpon his Arraignment, he pleaded not guiltie, and for the triall of his life put himselfe vpon God and his Countrie.
So as now the Gentlemen of the Iurie of life and death stand charged to finde, whether he be guiltie of these, or either of them.
Whereupon Master Nowel humbly prayed Master Towneley might be called,[H2_a_3] who attended to prosecute and giue euidence against him for the King’s Majestie, and that the particular Examinations taken before him and others, might be openly published & read in Court,[H2_a_4] in the hearing of the Prisoner.
But because it were infinite to bring him to his particular Triall for euery offence, which hee hath committed in his time, and euery practice wherein he hath had his hand: I shall proceede in order with the Euidence remayning vpon Record against him, amongst the Records of the Crowne; both how, and in what sort hee came to be a witch: and shew you what apparant proofe there is to charge him with the death of these two seuerall persons, for the which hee now standeth vpon his triall for al the rest of his deuillish practises, incantantions, murders, charmes, sorceries, meetings to consult with Witches, to execute mischiefe (take them as they are against him vpon Record:) Enough, I doubt not. For these with the course of his life will serue his turne to deliuer you from the danger of him that neuer tooke felicitie in any things, but in reuenge, bloud, & mischiefe with crying out vnto God for vengeance; which hath now at the length brought him to the place where hee standes to receiue his Triall with more honor, fauour, and respect, then such a Monster in Nature doth deserue; And I doubt not, but in due time by the Iustice of the Law, to an vntimely and shamefull death.
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The Examination of IAMES DEVICE, sonne of ELIZABETH DEVICE, of the Forrest of Pendle, in the Countie of Lancaster, Labourer. Taken the seuen and twentieth day of Aprill, Annoq; Reg. Regis IACOBI, Angliae, &c. x^o. _& Scotiae Quadragesimo quinto._
ROGER NOWEL, and NICHOLAS BANNESTER, Esquires: two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace within the said Countie.