where this informer met two horsemen, at the sight
whereof the sed persons left followinge him, and the
foremost of which persons yt followed him, hee knoweth
to bee one Loynd wife, which said wife, together
with one Dickonson wife, and one Jenet Davies[54]
he hath seene at severall tymes in a croft or close
adioninge to his fathers house, whiche put him in
a greate feare. And further, this informer saith,
upon Thursday after New Yeares day last past, he sawe
the sed Loynd wife sittinge upon a crosse peece
of wood, beeinge within the chimney of his father’s
dwellinge house, and hee callinge to her, said, come
downe thou Loynd wife, and immediately the sed
Loynd wife went up out of his sight. And
further, this informer saith, yt after hee was comme
from ye company aforesed to his father’s house,
beeinge towards eveninge, his father bad him goe fetch
home two kyne to seale,[55] and in the way, in a field
called the Ollers, hee chanced to hap upon a boy,
who began to quarrell with him, and they fought soe
together till this informer had his eares made very
bloody by fightinge, and lookinge downe, hee sawe
the boy had a cloven foote, at which sight hee was
affraid, and ran away from him to seeke the kyne.
And in the way hee sawe a light like a lanthorne, towards
which he made hast, supposinge it to bee carried by
some of Mr. Robinson’s people: But
when hee came to the place, hee onley found a woman
standinge on a bridge, whom, when hee sawe her, he
knewe to bee Loynd wife, and knowinge her,
he turned backe againe, and immediatly hee met with
ye aforesed boy, from whom he offered to run, which
boy gave him a blow on the back which caus’d
him to cry. And hee farther saith, yt when hee
was in the barne, he sawe three women take three pictures
from off the beame, in the which pictures many thornes,
or such like things sticked, and yt Loynd wife
tooke one of the said pictures downe, but thother
two women yt tooke thother two pictures downe hee
knoweth not.[56] And beeinge further asked, what persons
were at ye meeteinge aforesed, hee nominated these
persons hereafter mentioned, viz. Dickonson
wife, Henry Priestley wife and her sone, Alice
Hargreaves widdowe, Jennet Davies, Wm.
Davies, uxor. Hen. Jacks and her sone
John, James Hargreaves of Marsden,
Miles wife of Dicks, James wife,
Saunders sicut credit, Lawrence wife
of Saunders, Loynd wife, Buys
wife of Barrowford, one Holgate and
his wife sicut credit, Little Robin wife of
Leonard’s, of the West Cloase.[57]
[Footnote 44: Wheatley-lane is still a place of note in Pendle.]
[Footnote 45: Wild plums.]
[Footnote 46: It would seem as if a case of witchcraft in Pendle, without a Nutter in some way connected with it, could not occur.]