Discovery of Witches eBook

Thomas Henry Potts
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about Discovery of Witches.

Discovery of Witches eBook

Thomas Henry Potts
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about Discovery of Witches.
devoired thame in the sey, right at the shore, when there wis na danger wtherwayis.’  The bodies of Halero and another of these hapless fishermen having been found, Marion and Swene ’wir sent for, and brought to see thame, and to lay thair hands on thame, ... dayis after said death and away-casting, quhaire thair bluid was evanished and desolved, from every natural cours or caus, shine, and run; the said umquhill Edward bled at the collir-bain or craig-bane, and the said ...,[80] in the hand and fingers, gushing out bluid thairat, to the great admiration of the beholders—­and revelation of the judgement of the Almytie!  And by which lyk occasionis and miraculous works of God, made manifest in Murders and the Murderers; whereby, be many frequent occasiones brought to light, and the Murderers, be the said proof brought to judgment, conuict and condemned, not only in this Kingdom, also this countrie, but lykwayis in maist forrin Christiane Kingdomis; and be so manie frequent precedentis and practising of and tuitching Murderis and Murdereris, notourlie known:  So, the forsaid Murder and Witchcraft of the saidis persons, with the rest of their companions, through your said Husband’s deed, art, part, rad,[81] and counsall, is manifest and cleir to all, not onlie through and by the foirsaid precedentis of your malice, wicked and malishes[82] practises, by Witchcraft, Confessionis, and Declarationis of the said umquill Janet Fraser, Witch, revealed to her, as said is, and quha wis desyrit by him to concur and assist with you to the doing thereof; but lykways be the declaration and revelation of the justice and judgementis of God, through the said issuing of bluid from the bodies!’ &c.
A similar and very remarkable instance is related in the following Triall:  In the Dittay of CHRISTIAN WILSON, alias the Lanthorne,[83] accused of Murder, Witchcraft, &c., (which is founded upon the examinations of James Wilson, Abraham Macmillan, William Crichton, and Fyfe and George Erskine, &c. led before Sir William Murray of Newtoun, and other Commissioners, at Dalkeith, Jun. 14, 1661,) it is stated, that ’Ther being enimitie betuixt the said Christiane and Alexander Wilsone, her brother, and shoe having often tymes threatned him, at length, about 7 or 8 monthes since, altho’ the said Alexander was sene that day of his death, at three houres afternoone, in good health, walking about his bussnesse and office; yitt, at fyve howres in that same night, he was fownd dead, lying in his owne howse, naked as he was borne, with his face torne and rent, without any appearance of a spot of blood either wpon his bodie or neigh to it.  And altho’ many of the neiboures in the toune (Dalkeith) come into his howse to see the dead corpe, yitt shoe newar offered to come, howbeit her dwelling was nixt adjacent thairto; nor had shoe so much as any seiming greiff for his death.  Bot the Minister and Bailliffes of the towne, taking great suspitione of her, in respect
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Discovery of Witches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.