What more can bee written or published of the proceedings of this honourable Court: but to conclude with the Execution of the Witches,[X_b_] who were executed the next day following at the common place of Execution, neare vnto Lancaster. Yet in the end giue mee leaue to intreate some fauour that haue beene afraid to speake vntill my worke were finished. If I haue omitted any thing materiall, or published any thing imperfect, excuse me for that I haue done: It was a worke imposed vpon me by the Iudges, in respect I was so wel instructed in euery particular. In hast I haue vndertaken to finish it in a busie Tearme amongst my other imploiments.
My charge was to publish the proceedings of Iustice, and matter of Fact, wherein I wanted libertie to write what I would, and am limited to set forth nothing against them, but matter vpon Record, euen in their owne Countrie tearmes, which may seeme strange. And this I hope will giue good satisfaction to such as vnderstand how to iudge of a businesse of this nature. Such as haue no other imploiment but to question other mens Actions, I leaue them to censure what they please, It is no part of my profession to publish any thing in print, neither can I paint in extraordinarie tearmes.[X2_a_] But if this discouerie may serue for your instruction, I shall thinke my selfe very happie in this Seruice, and so leaue it to your generall censure.
Da veniam Ignoto non displicuisse
Festinat studys qui placuisse tibi.
[Illustration: decoration]
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in the Countie of Yorke.
At the Assises and Generall Gaole-Deliuerie holden at the Castle of Yorke in the Countie of Yorke, the xxvij. day of Iuly last past, Anno Regni Regis IACOBI Angliae, &c. Decimo, & Scotiae quadragesimo quinto.
Sir IAMES ALTHAM Knight, one of the Barons of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer; and Sir EDWARD BROMLEY Knight, another of the Barons of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer; his Maiesties Iustices of Assise, Oyer and Terminer, and generall Gaole-Deliuerie, in the Circuit of the North-parts.
[Illustration: decoration]
Printed by W. STANSBY for IOHN BARNES, and are to be sold at his Shoppe neere Holborne Conduit. 1612.
[Illustration: decoration]
THE ARRAIGNMENT and Triall of IENNET PRESTON of Gisborne in Crauen, in the Countie of Yorke, at the Assises and generall Gaole-deliuerie, holden at the Castle of Yorke, in the Countie of Yorke, the seuen and twentieth day of Iuly last past. Anno Regni Regis Iacobi Angliae &c. Decimo & Scotiae xlvj.
Jennet Preston.