Discovery of Witches eBook

Thomas Henry Potts
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about Discovery of Witches.

Discovery of Witches eBook

Thomas Henry Potts
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about Discovery of Witches.
more solemnitie, had more libertie giuen to pleade or answere to euerie particular point of Euidence against you?  In conclusion such hath beene the generall care of all, that had to deale with you, that you haue neither cause to be offended in the proceedings of the Iustices, that first tooke paines in these businesses, nor with the Court that hath had great care to giue nothing in euidence against you, but matter of fact; Sufficient matter vpon Record, and not to induce or leade the Iurie to finde any one of you guiltie vpon matter of suspition or presumption, nor with the witnesses who haue beene tried, as it were in the fire:  Nay, you cannot denie but must confesse what extraordinarie meanes hath beene vsed to make triall of their euidence, and to discouer the least intended practice in any one of them, to touch your liues vniustly.

As you stand simply (your offences and bloudie practises not considered) your fall would rather moue compassion, then exasperate any man.  For whom would not the ruine of so many poore creatures at one time, touch, as in apparance simple, and of little vnderstanding?

But the bloud of those innocent children, and others his Maiesties Subiects, whom cruelly and barbarously you haue murdered, and cut off, with all the rest of your offences, hath cryed out vnto the Lord against you, and sollicited for satisfaction and reuenge, and that hath brought this heauie iudgement vpon you at this time.

It is therefore now time no longer wilfully to striue, both against the prouidence of God, and the Iustice of the Land:  the more you labour to acquit your selues, the more euident and apparant you make your offences to the World.  And vnpossible it is that they shall either prosper or continue in this World, or receiue reward in the next, that are stained with so much innocent bloud.

The worst then I wish to you, standing at the Barre conuicted, to receiue your Iudgement, is, Remorse, and true Repentance, for the safegard of your Soules, and after, an humble, penitent, and heartie acknowledgement of your grieuous sinnes and offences committed both against GOD and Man.

First, yeeld humble and heartie thankes to Almightie GOD for taking hold of you in your beginning, and making stay of your intended bloudie practises (although GOD knowes there is too much done alreadie) which would in time have cast so great a weight of Iudgement vpon your Soules.

Then praise GOD that it pleased him not to surprize or strike you suddenly, euen in the execution of your bloudie Murthers, and in the middest of your wicked practises, but hath giuen you time, and takes you away by a iudiciall course and triall of the Law.

Last of all, craue pardon of the World, and especially of all such as you haue iustly offended, either by tormenting themselues, children, or friends, murder of their kinsfolks, or losse of any their goods.

Project Gutenberg
Discovery of Witches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.