If there were nothing to charge these Prisoners withall, whom now you may behold vpon their Arraignement and Triall but their poasting in haste to the great Assembly at Malking-Tower, there to aduise and consult amongst the Witches, what were to bee done to set at liberty the Witches in the Castle at Lancaster: Ioyne with Iennet Preston for the murder of Master Lister; and such like wicked & diuellish practises: It were sufficient to accuse them for Witches, & to bring their liues to a lawfull Triall. But amongst all the Witches in this company, there is not a more fearefull and diuellish Act committed, and voluntarily confessed by any of them, comparable to this, vnder the degree of Murder: which impudently now (at the Barre hauing formerly confessed;)[Q3_a_1] they forsweare, swearing they were neuer at the great assembly at Malking Tower; although the very Witches that were present in that action with them, iustifie, maintaine, and sweare the same to be true against them: Crying out in very violent & outragious manner, euen to the gallowes,[Q3_a_2] where they died impenitent for any thing we know, because they died silent in the particulars. These of all others were the most desperate wretches (void of all feare or grace) in all this Packe; Their offences not much inferiour to Murther: for which you shall heare what matter of Record wee haue against them; and whether they be worthie to continue, we leaue it to the good consideration of the Iury.
The said Iohn Bulcock, and Iane Bulcock his mother, Prisoners in the Castle at Lancaster, being brought to the Barre before the great Seat of Iustice: were there according to the former order and course Indicted and Arraigned, for that they felloniously had practised, exercised and vfed their diuellish & wicked Arts, called Witchcrafts, Inchantments, Charmes and Sorceries, in and vpon the body of Iennet Deane: so as the body of the said Iennet Deane, by force of the said Witchcrafts, wasted and consumed; and after she, the said Iennet, became madde. Contra formam Statuti, &c. Et Contra pacem, &c.
Vpon their Arraignement, to this Indictment they pleaded not guiltie; and for the triall of their liues put themselues vpon God and their Countrey.
So as now the Gentlemen of the Iurie of Life and Death stand charged with them as with others.
The Euidence against
Iohn Bulcock, and Jane
Bulcock his mother,
Prisoners at the Barre.
* * * * *
The Examination of IAMES DEVICE taken the seuen and twentieth day of Aprill aforesaid.
ROGER NOWEL and NICHOLAS BANESTER, Esquires, two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace in the Countie of Lancaster.