Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
Nom.      co:nsule:s    legio:ne:s    o:rdine:s    patre:s    -e:s
Gen.      co:nsulum     legio:num     o:rdinum     patrum     -um
Dat.      co:nsulibus   legio:nibus   o:rdinibus   patribus   -ibus
Acc.      co:nsule:s    legio:ne:s    o:rdine:s    patre:s    -e:s
Abl.      co:nsulibus   legio:nibus   o:rdinibus   patribus   -ibus

1.  With the exception of the nominative, the terminations are exactly
the same as in Class I, and the base or stem is found in the same way.

2.  Masculines and feminines with bases or stems in -in- and -o:n-
drop -n- and end in -o:  in the nominative, as legio:  (base or stem
legio:n-), o:rdo:  (base or stem o:rdin-).

  3.  Bases or stems in -tr- have -ter in the nominative, as pater (base
  or stem patr-).

  4.  Note how the genitive singular gives the clue to the whole
  declension. Always learn this with the nominative.


First learn the special vocabulary, p. 291.

I. 1.  Audisne tubas, Marce?  Non solum tubas audio sed etiam ordines militum et carros impedimentorum plenos videre possum. 2.  Quas legiones videmus?  Eae legiones nuper ex Gallia venerunt. 3.  Quid ibi fecerunt?  Studebantne pugnare an sine virtute erant? 4.  Multa proelia fecerunt[1] et magnas victorias et multos captivos reportaverunt. 5.  Quis est imperator earum legionum?  Caesar, summus Romanorum imperator. 6.  Quis est eques qui pulchram coronam gerit?  Is eques est frater meus.  Ei corona a consule data est quia summa virtute pugnaverat et a barbaris patriam servaverat.

II. 1.  Who has seen my father to-day? 2.  I saw him just now (nuper).  He was hastening to your dwelling with your mother and sister. 3.  When men are far from the fatherland and lack food, they cannot be restrained[2] from wrong[3]. 4.  The safety of the soldiers is dear to Caesar, the general. 5.  The chiefs were eager to storm a town full of grain which was held by the consul. 6.  The king forbade the baggage of the captives to be destroyed.

    [Footnote 1:  proelium facere\ = _to fight a battle._]

    [Footnote 2:  contineo\.  Cf.  Sec. 180.]

    [Footnote 3:  Abl. iniuria.]



  [Special Vocabulary]

calamita:s, calamita:tis\, f., _loss, disaster, defeat_ (calamity) caput, capitis\, n., head (capital) flu:men, flu:minis\, n., _river_ (flume) labor, labo:ris\, m., labor, toil opus, operis\, n., _work, task_ o:ra:tor, o:ra:to:ris\, m., orator ri:pa, -ae\, f., _bank_ (of a stream) tempus, temporis\, n., time (temporal) terror, terro:ris\, m., _terror, fear_ victor, victo:ris\, m., victor

accipio:, accipere, acce:pi:, acceptus\, _receive, accept_
co:nfirmo:, co:nfi:rma:re, co:nfi:rma:vi:, co:nfi:rma:tus\,
strengthen, establish, encourage (confirm)

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.