Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
re-cli:na:tus, -a, -um, part. of recli:no:, leaning back re-crea:tus, -a, -um, part. of recreo:, refreshed re:ctus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of rego:, keep straight]], straight,

re-cu:so:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, refuse red-a:ctus, -a, -um, part. of redigo:, reduced, subdued red-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus [[red-, back, + eo:, go]], go back,
(Sec. 413).  Cf. reverto: 
reditus, -u:s, m. [[cf. redeo:, return]], return, going back re-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[re-, back, + du:co:, lead]],
    lead back
re-fero:, -ferre, rettuli:, -la:tus [[re-, back, + fero:, bear]],
    bear back; report.
  pedem referre, withdraw, retreat
re-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[re-, again, + facio:, make]],
    make again, repair.
  se:  reficere, refresh one’s self
re:gi:na, -ae, f. [[re:x, king]], queen regio:, -o:nis, f. region, district re:gnum, -i:, n. sovereignty; kingdom rego:, -ere, re:xi:, re:ctus [[cf. re:x, king]], govern, rule (Sec.
re-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[re-, back, + iacio:, hurl]],
    hurl back; throw away
re-linquo:, -ere, -li:qui:, -lictus [[re-, behind, + linquo:,
    leave]], leave behind, leave, abandon
reliquus, -a, -um, adj. [[cf. relinquo:, leave]], left over,
.  As a noun, plur. the rest
remo:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of re-moveo:, remove]], remote,

re-moveo:, -e:re, -mo:vi:, -motus [[re-, back, + moveo:, move]],
re:mus, -i:, m. oar re-perio:, -i:re, repperi:, repertus, find re-porto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[re-, back, + porto:, carry]],
    carry back, bring back, win, gain
re:s, rei:, f. thing, business, matter, deed, event, circumstance
    (Sec. 467).
  quam ob rem, for this reason.
  re:s adversae, adversity.
  re:s fru:menta:ria, grain supplies.
  re:s gestae, exploits.
  re:s milita:ris, science of war.
  re:s pu:blica, the commonwealth.
  re:s secundae, prosperity
re-scindo:, -ere, -scidi:, -scissus [[re-, back, + scindo:,
    cut]], cut off, cut down
re-sisto:, -ere, -stiti:, ——­ [[re-, back, + sisto:, cause to
]], oppose, resist, with dat. (Sec. 501.14)
re-spondeo:, -e:re, -spondi:, -spo:nsus [[re-, in return, + spondeo:,
    promise]], answer, reply (Sec. 420.a)
re-verto:, -ere, -i:, ——­, or dep. verb re-vertor, -i:, -sus sum
    [[re-, back, + verto:, turn]], turn back, return.  Usually
    active in the perf. system
re-vincio:, -i:re, -vi:nxi:, -vi:nctus [[re-, back,
Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.