Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
    run towards; meet, with dat. (Sec. 426)
o:ceanus, -i:, m. the ocean octo:, indecl. numeral adj. eight oculus, -i:, m. eye officium, offi’ci:, n. duty o:lim, adv. formerly, once upon a time o:men, -inis, n. sign, token, omen o:-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus [[ob, over, past, + mitto:,
    send]], let go, omit.
  consilium omittere, give up a plan
omni:no:, adv. [[omnis, all]], altogether, wholly, entirely omnis, -e, adj. all, every. Cf. to:tus onera:ria, -ae, f. [[onus, load]], with na:vis expressed or
    understood, merchant vessel, transport
onus, -eris, n. load, burden opi:nio:, -o:nis, f. [[opi:nor, suppose]], opinion, supposition,

oppida:nus, -i:, m. [[oppidum, town]], townsman oppidum, -i:, n. town, stronghold opportu:nus, -a, -um, adj. suitable, opportune, favorable op-primo:, -ere, -pressi:, -pressus [[ob, against, + premo:,
    press]], (press against), crush; surprise
oppugna:tio:, -o:nis, f. storming, assault oppugno:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ob, against, + pugno:  fight]],
    fight against, assault, storm, assail
optime:, adv. in superl. degree, compared bene, melius, optime:, very
    well, best of all
(Sec. 323)
optimus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared bonus, melior,
    optimus, best, most excellent (Sec. 311)
opus, -eris, n. work, labor, task (Sec. 464.2.b) o:ra:culum, -i:, n. [[o:ro:, speak]], oracle o:ra:tor, -o:ris, m. [[o:ro:, speak]], orator orbis, -is, m. ring, circle.
  orbis terra:rum, the earth, world
orbita, -ae, f. [[orbis, wheel]], rut Orcus, -i:, m. Orcus, the lower world o:rdo:, -inis, m. row, order, rank (Sec. 247.2.a) ori:go, -inis, f. [[orior, rise]], source, origin orior, -i:ri:, ortus sum, dep. verb, arise, rise, begin; spring, be

o:rna:mentum, -i:, n. [[o:rno:, fit out]], ornament, jewel o:rna:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of o:rno:, fit out]] fitted out;

o:rno:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, fit out, adorn


P., abbreviation for Pu:blius paene, adv. nearly, almost palu:da:mentum, -i:, n. military cloak palu:s, -u:dis, f. swamp, marsh pa:nis, -is, m. bread pa:r, paris, adj. equal (Sec. 471.  III) para:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of paro:, prepare]], prepared,

parco:, -ere, peper’ci:  (parsi:), parsu:rus, spare, with dat. 
    (Sec. 501.14)
pa:reo:, -e:re, -ui:, ——­, obey, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) paro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, prepare for, prepare; provide, procure pars,

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Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.