Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

  Plur. fi:nitimi:, -o:rum, m. neighbors
fi:o:, fieri:, factus sum, used as passive of facio:.  See facio:  (Sec.
flamma, -ae, f. fire, flame
flo:s, flo:ris, m. flower
fluctus, -u:s, m. [[of. fluo:, flow]], flood, wave, billow
flu:men, -inis, n. [[cf. fluo:, flow]], river (Sec. 464.2.b)
fluo:, -ere, flu:xi:, fluxus, flow
fluvius, fluvi:, m. [[cf. fluo:, flow]], river
fodio:, -ere, fo:di:, fossus, dig
fo:ns, fontis, m. fountain (Sec. 247.2.a)
fo:rma, -ae, f. form, shape, appearance; beauty
Formiae, -a:rum, f. Formiae, a town of Latium on the Appian Way. 
    See map
forte, adv. [[abl. of fors, chance]], by chance
fortis, -e, adj. strong; fearless, brave
fortiter, adv. [[fortis, strong]], compared fortius, fortissime:,
    strongly; bravely
fortu:na, -ae, f. [[fors, chance]], chance, fate, fortune
forum, -i:, n. market place, esp. the Forum Ro:ma:num, where the life
    of Rome centered
Forum Appi:, Forum of Appius, a town in Latium on the Appian Way
fossa, -ae, f. [[cf. fodio:, dig]], ditch
fragor, -o:ris, m. [[cf. frango:, break]], crash, noise
frango:, -ere, fre:gi:, fra:ctus, break
fra:ter, -tris, m. brother
fremitus, -u:s, m. loud noise
frequento:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, attend
fre:tus, -a, -um, adj. supported, trusting.  Usually with abl. of
fro:ns, frontis, f. front, a:  fronte, in front
fru:ctus, -u:s, m. fruit
fru:menta:rius, -a, -um, adj. pertaining to grain.
  re:s fru:menta:ria, grain supplies
fru:mentum, -i:, n. grain
fru:stra:, adv. in vain, vainly
fuga, -ae, f. [[cf. fugio:, flee]], flight.
  in fugam dare, put to flight
fugio:, -ere, fu:gi:, fugitu:rus, flee, run; avoid, shun
fu:mo:, -are, ------, ------, smoke
fu:nis, -is, m. rope
furor, -o:ris, m. [[furo:, rage]], madness.
  in furo:rem inci:dere, go mad


Ga:ius, Ga:i:, m. Gaius, a Roman name, abbreviated C., English form
Galba, -ae, m. Galba, a Roman name
galea, -ae, f. helmet
Gallia, -ae, f. Gaul, the country comprising what is now Holland,
    Belgium, Switzerland, and France
Gallicus, -a, -um, adj. Gallic
galli:na, -ae, f. hen, chicken
Gallus, -i:, m. a Gaul
gaudium, gaudi:, n. joy
Gena:va, -ae, f. Geneva, a city in Switzerland
ge:ns, gentis, f. [[cf. gigno:, beget]], race, family; people,
    nation, tribe

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.