Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
+ quatio:,
    shake]], shatter, dash to pieces
dis-po:no:, -ere, -posui:, -positus [[dis-, apart, + po:no:, put]],
    put here and there, arrange, station
dis-similis, -e, adj. [[dis-, apart, + similis, like]],
    unlike, dissimilar (Sec. 307)
dis-tribuo:, -ere, -ui:, -u:tus, divide, distribute
diu:, adv., compared diu:tius, diu:tissime:, for a long time, long
    (Sec. 477)
do:, dare, dedi:, datus, give.
  in fugam dare, put to flight.
  alicui nego:tium dare, employ some one
doceo:, -e:re, -ui:, -tus, teach, show
doctri:na, -ae, f. [[doctor, teacher]], teaching, learning,

dolor, -o:ris, m. pain, sorrow
domesticus, -a, -um, adj. [[domus, house]], of the house,

domicilium, domici’li:, n. dwelling; house, abode.  Cf. domus
domina, -ae, f. mistress (of the house), lady (Sec. 461)
dominus, -i:, m. master (of the house), owner, ruler (Sec. 462)
domus, -u:s, f. house, home.
  domi:, locative, at home (Sec. 468)
dormio:, -i:re, -i:vi:, -i:tus, sleep
draco:, -o:nis, m. serpent, dragon
dubito:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, hesitate
dubius, -a, -um, adj. [[duo, two]], (moving two ways),
    doubtful, dubious
du-centi:, -ae, -a, numeral adj. two hundred
du:co:, -ere, du:xi:, ductus (imv. du:c), lead, conduct
dum, conj. while, as long as
duo, duae, duo, numeral adj. two (Sec. 479)
duo-decim, indecl. numeral adj. twelve
du:rus, -a, -um, adj. hard, tough; harsh, pitiless, bitter
dux, ducis, m. and f. [[cf. du:co:, lead]], leader, commander


e:  or ex, prep, with abl. out of, from, off, of (Sec. 209) eburneus, -a, -um, adj. of ivory ecce, adv. see! behold! there! here! e:-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[e:, out, + du:co:, lead]], lead
    out, draw out

ef-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[ex, thoroughly, + facio:,
    do]], work out; make, cause
ef-fugio:, -ere, -fu:gi:, -fugitu:rus [[ex, from, + fugio:, flee]],
egeo:, -e:re, -ui:, ——­, be in need of, lack, with abl. (Sec. 501.32) ego, pers. pron. I; plur. no:s, we (Sec. 480) e:-gredior, -i:, e:gressus sum, dep. verb [[e:, out of, + gradior,
    go]], go out, go forth.
  e:  na:vi:  e:gredi:, disembark
e:-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[e:, forth, + iacio:, hurl]],
    hurl forth, expel
elementum, -i:, n., in plur. first principles, rudiments elephantus, -i:, m. elephant E:lis, Elidis, f. E’lis, a district of

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.