Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
——­, sing canto:, -a:re, -a:vi, -a:tus [[cano:, sing]], sing Cape:nus, -a, -um, adj. of Capena, esp. the Porta Cape’na, the gate
    at Rome leading to the Appian Way
capio:, -ere, ce:pi:, captus, take, seize, capture (Sec. 492) Capito:li:nus, -a, -um, adj. belonging to the Capitol, Capitoline Capito:lium, Capito:’li:, n. [[caput, head]], the Capitol, the hill
    at Rome on which stood the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus and the
capsa, -ae, f. box for books capti:vus, -i:, m. [[capio:, take]], captive Capua, -ae, f. Capua, a large city of Campania.  See map caput, -itis, n. head (Sec. 464.2.b) carcer, -eris, m. prison, jail carrus, -i:, m. cart, wagon ca:rus, -a, -um, adj. dear; precious casa, -ae, f. hut, cottage castellum, -i:, n. [[dim. of castrum, fort]], redoubt, fort castrum, -i:, n. fort.  Usually in the plural, castra, -o:rum,
    a military camp.
  castra po:nere, to pitch camp
ca:sus, -us, m. [[cado:, fall]], chance; misfortune, loss catapulta, -ae, f. catapult, an engine for hurling stones cate:na, -ae, f. chain caupo:na, -ae, f. inn causa, -ae, f. cause, reason, qua:  de:  causa:, for this reason ce:do:, -ere, cessi:, cessu:rus, give way, retire celer, -eris, -ere, adj. swift, fleet celerita:s, -a:tis, f. [[celer, swift]], swiftness, speed celeriter, adv. [[celer, swift]], compared celerius, celerrime:,
ce:na, -ae, f. dinner centum, indecl. numeral adj. hundred centurio:, -o:nis, m. centurion, captain Ce:pheus (dissyl.), -ei:  (acc.  Ce:phea), m. Cepheus, a king of
    Ethiopia and father of Andromeda
Cerberus, -i:, m. Cerberus, the fabled three-headed dog that guarded
    the entrance to Hades
certa:men, -inis, n. [[certo:, struggle]], struggle, contest,

certe:, adv. [[certus, sure]], compared certius, certissime:,
    surely, certainly
certus, -a, -um, adj. fixed, certain, sure.
  aliquem certio:rem facere (to make some one more certain),
    to inform some one
cervus, -i:, m. stag, deer cesso:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, delay, cease ciba:ria, -o:rum, n. plur. food, provisions cibus, -i:, m. food, victuals Cimbri:, -o:rum, m. plur. the Cimbri Cimbricus, -a, -um, adj. Cimbrian ci:nctus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of cingo:, surround]], girt,

cingo:, -ere, ci:nxi:, ci:nctus, gird, surround circiter, adv. about circum, prep, with acc. around circum’-do:, -dare, -dedi:, -datus, place around, surround, inclose circum’-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus, go around circum-sisto:, -ere, circum’steti:, ——­, stand
Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.