a:-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus, send away; lose
amo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, love, like, be fond of (Sec. 488)
amphithea:trum, -i:, n. amphitheater
amplus, -a, -um, adj. large, ample; honorable, noble
an, conj. or, introducing the second part of a double question
ancilla, -ae, f. maidservant
ancora, -ae, f. anchor
Andromeda, -ae, f. Androm’eda, daughter of Cepheus and wife of
angulus, -i:, m. angle, corner
anim-adverto:, -ere, -ti:, -sus [[animus, mind, + adverto:, turn
to]], turn the mind to, notice
animal, -a:lis, n. [[anima, breath]], animal (Sec. 465.b)
animo:sus, -a, -um, adj. spirited
animus, -i:, m. [[anima, breath]], mind, heart; spirit, courage,
feeling; in this sense often plural
annus, -i, m. year
ante, prep, with acc. before
antea:, adv. [[ante]], before, formerly
anti:quus, -a, -um, adj. [[ante, before]], former, ancient, old
aper, apri:, m. wild boar
Apollo:, -inis, m. Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona, brother of
ap-pa:reo:, -e:re, -ui:, —— [[ad + pa:reo:, appear]], appear
ap-pello:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, call by name, name. Cf. no:mino:,
Appius, -a, -um, adj. Appian
ap-plico:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, apply, direct, turn
apud, prep, with acc. among; at, at the house of
aqua, -ae, f. water
aquila, -ae, f. eagle
a:ra, -ae, f. altar
arbitror, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, think, suppose (Sec. 420.c). Cf.
exi:stimo:, puto:
arbor, -oris, f. tree (Sec. 247.1.a)
Arcadia, -ae, f. Arcadia, a district in southern Greece
a:rdeo:, -e:re, a:rsi:, a:rsu:rus, be on fire, blaze, burn
arduus, -a, -um, adj. steep
Ari:cia, -ae, f. Aricia, a town on the Appian Way, near Rome
arie:s, -etis, m. battering-ram (p. 221)
arma, -o:rum, n. plur. arms, weapons. Cf. te:lum
arma:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[armo:, arm]], armed, equipped
aro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, plow, till
ars, artis, f. art, skill
articulus, -i:, m. joint
ascri:bo:, -ere, -scri:psi:, -scri:ptus [[ad, in addition, + scri:bo:,
write]], enroll, enlist
A:sia, -ae, f. Asia, i.e. Asia Minor
at, conj. but. Cf. autem, sed
Athe:nae, -a:rum, f. plur. Athens
Atla:s, -antis, m. Atlas, a Titan who was said to hold up the sky
at-que, ac, conj. and, and also, and what is more. atque may be
used before either vowels or consonants, ac before consonants only
attentus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of attendo:, direct (the mind)
toward]], attentive, intent on, careful
amo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, love, like, be fond of (Sec. 488)
amphithea:trum, -i:, n. amphitheater
amplus, -a, -um, adj. large, ample; honorable, noble
an, conj. or, introducing the second part of a double question
ancilla, -ae, f. maidservant
ancora, -ae, f. anchor
Andromeda, -ae, f. Androm’eda, daughter of Cepheus and wife of
angulus, -i:, m. angle, corner
anim-adverto:, -ere, -ti:, -sus [[animus, mind, + adverto:, turn
to]], turn the mind to, notice
animal, -a:lis, n. [[anima, breath]], animal (Sec. 465.b)
animo:sus, -a, -um, adj. spirited
animus, -i:, m. [[anima, breath]], mind, heart; spirit, courage,
feeling; in this sense often plural
annus, -i, m. year
ante, prep, with acc. before
antea:, adv. [[ante]], before, formerly
anti:quus, -a, -um, adj. [[ante, before]], former, ancient, old
aper, apri:, m. wild boar
Apollo:, -inis, m. Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona, brother of
ap-pa:reo:, -e:re, -ui:, —— [[ad + pa:reo:, appear]], appear
ap-pello:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, call by name, name. Cf. no:mino:,
Appius, -a, -um, adj. Appian
ap-plico:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, apply, direct, turn
apud, prep, with acc. among; at, at the house of
aqua, -ae, f. water
aquila, -ae, f. eagle
a:ra, -ae, f. altar
arbitror, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, think, suppose (Sec. 420.c). Cf.
exi:stimo:, puto:
arbor, -oris, f. tree (Sec. 247.1.a)
Arcadia, -ae, f. Arcadia, a district in southern Greece
a:rdeo:, -e:re, a:rsi:, a:rsu:rus, be on fire, blaze, burn
arduus, -a, -um, adj. steep
Ari:cia, -ae, f. Aricia, a town on the Appian Way, near Rome
arie:s, -etis, m. battering-ram (p. 221)
arma, -o:rum, n. plur. arms, weapons. Cf. te:lum
arma:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[armo:, arm]], armed, equipped
aro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, plow, till
ars, artis, f. art, skill
articulus, -i:, m. joint
ascri:bo:, -ere, -scri:psi:, -scri:ptus [[ad, in addition, + scri:bo:,
write]], enroll, enlist
A:sia, -ae, f. Asia, i.e. Asia Minor
at, conj. but. Cf. autem, sed
Athe:nae, -a:rum, f. plur. Athens
Atla:s, -antis, m. Atlas, a Titan who was said to hold up the sky
at-que, ac, conj. and, and also, and what is more. atque may be
used before either vowels or consonants, ac before consonants only
attentus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of attendo:, direct (the mind)
toward]], attentive, intent on, careful