Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
    arrival (Sec. 466)
adversus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of adverto:, turn to]], turned
    towards, facing; contrary, adverse
  re:s adversae, adversity
aedificium, aedifi’ci:, n. [[aedifico:, build]], building, edifice
aedifico:, -a:re, -a:vi, -a:tus [[aede:s, house, + facio:, make]],
aeger, aegra, aegrum, adj. sick, feeble
aequa:lis, -e, adj. equal, like.  As a noun, aequa:lis, -is, m. or f.
    one of the same age
aequus, -a, -um, adj. even, level; equal
Aeso:pus, -i:, m. Aesop, a writer of fables
aesta:s, -a:tis, f. summer,
  inita:  aesta:te, at the beginning of summer
aeta:s, -a:tis, f. age
Aethiopia, -ae, f. Ethiopia, a country in Africa
A:frica, -ae, f. Africa
A:frica:nus, -a, -um, adj. of Africa.  A name given to Scipio for his
    victories in Africa
ager, agri:, m. field, farm, land (Sec. 462.c)
agger, -eris, m. mound
agmen, -inis, n. [[ago:, drive]], an army on the march, column.
    pri:mum agmen, the van
ago:, -ere, e:gi:, a:ctus, drive, lead; do, perform.
  vi:tam agere, pass life
agricola, -ae, m. [[ager, field, + colo:, cultivate]], farmer
agri:  cultu:ra, -ae, f. agriculture
a:la, -ae, f. wing
alacer, -cris, -cre, adj. active, eager.  Cf. a:cer
alacrita:s, -a:tis, f. [[alacer, active]], eagerness, alacrity
alacriter, adv. [[alacer, active]], comp alacrius, alacerrime:,
    actively, eagerly
albus, -a, -um, adj., white
alce:s, -is, f. elk
Alcme:na, -ae, f. Alcme’na, the mother of Hercules
aliquis (-qui:), -qua, -quid (-quod), indef. pron. some one, some
    (Sec. 487)
alius, -a, -ud (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), adj. another, other.
  alius ... alius, one ... another.
  alii:  ... alii:, some ... others (Sec. 110)
Alpe:s, -ium, f. plur. the Alps
alter, -era, -erum (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), adj. the one, the other
    (of two).
  alter ... alter, the one ... the other (Sec. 110)
altitu:do:, -inis, f. [[altus, high]], height
altus, -a, -um, adj. high, tall, deep
Ama:zone:s, -um, f. plur. Amazons, a fabled tribe of warlike women
ambo:, -ae, -o:, adj. (decl. like duo), both
ami:ce:, adv. [[ami:cus, friendly]], superl. ami:cissime:, in a
    friendly manner

amicio:, -i:re, ——­, -ictus [[am-, about, + iacio:, throw]],
    throw around, wrap about, clothe
ami:citia, -ae, f. [[ami:cus, friend]], friendship
ami:cus, -a, -um, adj. [[amo:, love]], friendly.  As a noun,
    ami:cus, -i:, m. friend
Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.