Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.


a:  or ab, prep. with abl. from, by, off
  Translated on in a:  dextro:  cornu:, on the right wing;
  a:  fronte, on the front or in front;
  a:  dextra:, on the right;
  a:  latere, on the side; etc.
ab-do:, -ere, -didi:, -ditus, hide, conceal
ab-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus, lead off, lead away
abs-ci:do:, -ere, -ci:di:,-ci:sus [[ab(s), off, + caedo:, cut]],
    cut off
ab-sum, -esse, a:fui:, a:futu:rus, be away, be absent, be distant,
    be off
; with a:  or ab and abl., Sec. 501.32
ac, conj., see atque
ac-cipio:, -ere, -ce:pi:, -ceptus [[ad, to, + capio:, take]],
    receive, accept
a:cer, a:cris, a:cre, adj. sharp; figuratively, keen, active, eager
    (Sec. 471)
acerbus, -a, -um, adj. bitter, sour
acie:s, -e:i:, f. [[a:cer, sharp]], edge; line of battle
a:criter, adv. [[a:cer, sharp]], compared a:crius, a:cerrime:,
    sharply, fiercely
ad, prep. with acc. to, towards, near
  With the gerund or gerundive, to, for
ad-aequo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, make equal, make level with
ad-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus, lead to; move, induce
ad-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus, go to, approach, draw near, visit, with
    acc. (Sec. 413)
ad-fero:, ad-ferre, at-tuli:, ad-la:tus, bring, convey; report,
    announce; render, give
(Sec. 426)
ad-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[ad, to, + facio:, do]],
    affect, visit
adfli:cta:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of adfli:cto:, shatter]],
ad-fli:go:, -ere, -fli:xi:, -fli:ctus, dash upon, strike upon; harass,

ad-hibeo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[ad, to, + habeo:, hold]], apply,
    employ, use

ad-hu:c, adv. hitherto, as yet, thus far
aditus, -u:s, m. [[adeo:, approach]], approach, access; entrance
    Cf. adventus
ad-ligo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, bind to, fasten
ad-loquor, -loqui:, -locu:tus sum, dep. verb [[ad, to, + loquor,
    speak]], speak to, address, with acc.
ad-ministro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, manage, direct
admi:ra:tio:, -o:nis, f. [[admi:ror, wonder at]], admiration,

ad-moveo:, -e:re, -mo:vi:, -mo:tus, move to; apply, employ
ad-propinquo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, come near, approach, with dat.
ad-sum, -esse, -fui:, -futu:res, be present; assist; with dat., Sec.
adule:sce:ns, -entis, m. and f. [[part. of adole:sco:, grow]], a
    youth, young man, young person

adventus, -u:s, m. [[ad, to, + venio:, come]], approach,

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.