a: or ab, prep. with abl. from, by, off.
Translated on in a: dextro:
cornu:, on the right wing;
a: fronte, on the front or
in front;
a: dextra:, on the right;
a: latere, on the side; etc.
ab-do:, -ere, -didi:, -ditus, hide, conceal
ab-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus, lead off, lead
abs-ci:do:, -ere, -ci:di:,-ci:sus [[ab(s), off,
+ caedo:, cut]],
cut off
ab-sum, -esse, a:fui:, a:futu:rus, be away, be
absent, be distant,
be off; with a: or
ab and abl., Sec. 501.32
ac, conj., see atque
ac-cipio:, -ere, -ce:pi:, -ceptus [[ad, to,
+ capio:, take]],
receive, accept
a:cer, a:cris, a:cre, adj. sharp; figuratively,
keen, active, eager
(Sec. 471)
acerbus, -a, -um, adj. bitter, sour
acie:s, -e:i:, f. [[a:cer, sharp]], edge;
line of battle
a:criter, adv. [[a:cer, sharp]], compared a:crius,
sharply, fiercely
ad, prep. with acc. to, towards, near.
With the gerund or gerundive, to, for
ad-aequo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, make equal, make
level with
ad-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus, lead to; move,
ad-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus, go to, approach, draw
near, visit, with
acc. (Sec. 413)
ad-fero:, ad-ferre, at-tuli:, ad-la:tus, bring,
convey; report,
announce; render, give
(Sec. 426)
ad-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[ad, to,
+ facio:, do]],
affect, visit
adfli:cta:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of adfli:cto:,
ad-fli:go:, -ere, -fli:xi:, -fli:ctus, dash upon,
strike upon; harass,
ad-hibeo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[ad, to, + habeo:,
hold]], apply,
employ, use
ad-hu:c, adv. hitherto, as yet, thus far
aditus, -u:s, m. [[adeo:, approach]], approach,
access; entrance.
Cf. adventus
ad-ligo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, bind to, fasten
ad-loquor, -loqui:, -locu:tus sum, dep. verb [[ad,
to, + loquor,
speak]], speak to,
address, with acc.
ad-ministro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, manage, direct
admi:ra:tio:, -o:nis, f. [[admi:ror, wonder at]],
ad-moveo:, -e:re, -mo:vi:, -mo:tus, move to; apply,
ad-propinquo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, come near,
approach, with dat.
ad-sum, -esse, -fui:, -futu:res, be present; assist;
with dat., Sec.
adule:sce:ns, -entis, m. and f. [[part. of adole:sco:,
grow]], a
youth, young man, young person
adventus, -u:s, m. [[ad, to, + venio:, come]],