Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
perterritus\, terrify,

  recipio:, recipere, rece:pi:, receptus\, _receive, recover_;
se:  recipere\, betake one’s self, withdraw, retreat
  tra:do:, tra:dere, tra:didi:, tra:ditus\, _give over, surrender,
     deliver_ (traitor)

LESSON LVI, Sec. 318

  aditus, -u:s\, m., _approach, access; entrance_
ci:vita:s, ci:vita:tis\, f., citizenship; body of citizens, state
  inter\, prep, with acc., _between, among_ (interstate commerce)
nam\, conj., for
  obses, obsidis\, m. and f., _hostage_
paulo:\, adv. (abl. n. of paulus\), _by a little, somewhat_

  incolo:, incolere, incolui:, ——­\, transitive, _inhabit_;
    intransitive, _dwell_.  Cf. habito:, vi:vo: 
relinquo:, relinquere, reli:qui:, relictus\, leave, abandon
  statuo:, statuere, statui:, statu:tus\, _fix, decide_ (statute),
    usually with infin.


  aequus, -a, -um\, _even, level; equal_
cohors, cohortis (-ium)\, f., cohort, a tenth part of a legion,
    about 360 men
  curro:, currere, cucurri:, cursus\, _run_ (course)
difficulta:s, -a:tis\, f., difficulty
  fossa, -ae\, f., _ditch_ (fosse)
ge:ns, gentis (-ium)\, f., race, tribe, nation (Gentile)
  nego:tium, nego:ti:\, n., _business, affair, matter_ (negotiate)
regio:, -o:nis\, f., region, district
  ru:mor, ru:mo:ris\, m., _rumor, report_.  Cf. fa:ma
simul atque\, conj., as soon as

  suscipio:, suscipere, susce:pi:, susceptus\, _undertake_
traho:, trahere, tra:xi:, tra:ctus\, drag, draw (ex-tract)
  valeo:, vale:re, valui:, valitu:rus\, _be strong_; plu:rimum vale:re,
    _to be most powerful, have great influence_ (value).  Cf. validus


commea:tus, -u:s\, m.. _provisions_ la:titu:do:, -inis\, f., width (latitude) longitu:do:, -inis\, f., _length_ (longitude) magnitu:do:, -inis\, f., size, magnitude merca:tor, merca:to:ris\, m., _trader, merchant_ mu:ni:tio:, -o:nis\, f., fortification (munition) spatium, spati:\, n., _room, space, distance; time_

  cogno:sco:, cogno:scere, cogno:vi:, cognitus\, learn;
    in the perfect tenses, know (re-cognize)
  co:go:, co:gere, coe:gi:, coa:ctus\, _collect; compel_ (cogent)
de:fendo:, de:fendere, de:fendi:, de:fe:nsus\, defend
  incendo:, incendere, incendi:, ince:nsus\, _set fire to, burn_
    (incendiary).  Cf. cremo: 
obtineo:, obtine:re, obtinui:, obtentus\, possess, occupy, hold
  pervenio:, perveni:re, perve:ni:, perventus\, _come through, arrive_

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.