ami:citia, -ae\, f., _friendship_ (amicable)
itaque\, conj., and so, therefore,
littera, -ae\, f., _a letter_ of the
plur., _a letter, an epistle_
metus, metu:s\, m., fear
nihil\, indeclinable, n., _nothing_
nu:ntius, nu:nti:\, m., messenger.
Cf. nu:ntio:
pa:x, pa:cis\, f., _peace_ (pacify)
re:gnum, -i:\, n., reign, sovereignty,
supplicum, suppli’ci:\, n., _punishment_;
supplicum su:mere de:\,
with abl., inflict punishment on;
supplicum dare\, _suffer
punishment_. Cf. poena
placeo:, place:re, placui:, placitus\,
_be pleasing to, please_,
with dative. Cf.
Sec. 154
su:mo:, su:mere, su:mpsi:, su:mptus\,
take up, assume
sustineo:, sustine:re, sustinui:, sustentus\,
LESSON L, Sec. 288
corpus, corporis\, n., _body_ (corporal) de:nsus, -a, -um\, dense i:dem, e’adem, idem\, demonstrative pronoun, _the same_ (identity) ipse, ipsa, ipsum\, intensive pronoun, self; even, very mi:rus, -a, -um\, _wonderful, marvelous_ (miracle) o:lim\, adv., formerly, once upon a time pars, partis (-ium)\, f., _part, region, direction_ quoque\, adv., also. Stands after the word which it emphasizes so:l, so:lis\, m., _sun_ (solar) ve:rus, -a, -um\, true, real (verity)
de:beo:, de:be:re, de:bui:, de:bitus\,
_owe, ought_ (debt)
e:ripio:, e:ripere, e:ripui:, e:reptus\,
snatch from
LESSON LI, Sec. 294
hic, haec, hoc\, demonstrative pronoun,
_this_ (of mine);
_he, she, it_
ille, illa, illud\, demonstrative
pronoun that (yonder);
he, she, it
invi:sus, -a, -um\, _hateful, detested_,
with dative Cf. Sec. 143
iste, ista, istud\, demonstrative
pronoun, that (of yours);
he, she, it
li:berta:s, -a:tis\, f., _liberty_
modus, -i:\, m., measure; manner,
way, mode
no:men, no:minis\, n., _name_ (nominate)
oculus, -i:\, m., eye (oculist)
pri:stinus, -a, -um\, _former, old-time_
pu:blicus, -a, -um\, public, belonging
to the state;
re:s pu:blica, rei:
pu:blicae\, f., _the commonwealth, the state,
the republic_
vesti:gium, vesti:’gi:\, n.,
footprint, track; trace, vestige
vo:x, vo:cis\, f., _voice_
LESSON LII, Sec. 298
incolumis, -e\, _unharmed_
ne: ... quidem\, adv., not
even. The emphatic word stands between
ne:\ and quidem
nisi\, conj., unless, if ... not
paene\, adv., _almost_ (pen-insula)
satis\, adv., enough, sufficiently
tantus, -a, -um\, _so great_
ve:ro:\, adv., truly, indeed, in
fact. As a conj. but, however,
usually stands second, never