Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.
animal\        homo\          ordo\
arbor\         hostis\        pater\
avis\          ignis\         pedes\
caedes\        imperator\     pes\
calamitas\     insigne\        pons
calcar         iter\          princeps\
caput\         iudex           rex\
civis\         labor\         salus\
cliens\        lapis\         sanguis\
collis\        legio\         soror\
consul\        mare\          tempus
dens\          mater\         terror\
dux\           mensis\        turris\
eques\         miles\         urbs\
finis\         mons\          victor\
flumen\        navis\         virtus\
fons           opus\          vis\
frater\        orator\
ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS barbarus\ dexter\ sinister\ summus\
PREPOSITIONS in\ with the abl. in\ with the acc. trans\


nec, neque\
nec ... nec\, or neque ... neque\

cesso\ accipio\
oppugno\ peto\
confirmo\ vinco\
veto\ incipio\

518. Translate the following words.  Give the genitive and the gender of the nouns and the principal parts of the verbs: 

forbid in rank, row judge brother defeat, disaster force fire across tree savages foot soldier horseman receive never general mountain highest manliness, courage fountain leader orator put, place neither ... nor time and not savage, barbarous left sister tooth seek soldier captive month hindrance, baggage city captive victor hindrance, baggage daily man-of-war live (verb) conquer redoubt, fort consul sea mother tower retainer drill (verb) citizen legion head terror safety into, to assail, storm right (adj.) begin stone march blood decoration
Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.