4. Equites fugientibus hostibus occurrunt,
the horsemen meet the
fleeing enemy.
5. Galba copiis filium praefecit,
Galba put his son in command of
the troops.
In each sentence there is a dative, and in each a verb combined with a preposition. In no case would the simple verb take the dative.
426. RULE. Dative with Compounds. Some verbs compounded with /ad\, /ante\, /con\, /de\, /in\, /inter\, /ob\, /post\, /prae\, /pro\, /sub\, /super\, admit the dative of the indirect object. Transitive compounds may take both an accusative and a dative.
NOTE 1. Among such verbs are[1]
ad’fero, adfer’re, at’tuli,
adla’tus, bring to; report
ad’sum, ades’se, ad’fui,
adfutu’rus, assist; be present
de’fero, defer’re, de’tuli,
delatus, report; grant, confer
de’sum, dees’se, de’fui,——,
be wanting, be lacking
in’fero, infer’re, in’tuli,
inla’tus, bring against, bring upon
inter’sum, interes’se, inter’fui,
interfutu’rus, take part in
occur’ro, occur’rere, occur’ri,
occur’sus, run against, meet
praefi’cio, praefi’cere, praefe’ci,
praefec’tus, appoint over,
place in command of
prae’sum, praees’se, prae’fui,
——, be over, be in command
[Footnote 1: But the
accusative with ad\ or in\ is used with some
of these, when the idea of
motion to or against is strong.]
graviter or moleste ferre, to be annoyed
at, to be indignant at,
followed by the accusative
and infinitive
se conferre ad or in, with the accusative,
to betake one’s self
alicui bellum inferre, to make war
upon some one
pedem referre, to retreat (lit.
to bear back the foot)
I. 1. Fer, ferent, ut ferant, ferunt. 2. Ferte, ut ferrent, tulisse, tulerant. 3. Tulimus, ferens, latus esse, ferre. 4. Cum navigia insulae adpropinquarent, barbari terrore commoti pedem referre conati sunt. 5. Galli moleste ferebant Romanos agros vastare. 6. Caesar sociis imperavit ne finitimis suis bellum inferrent. 7. Exploratores, qui Caesari occurrerunt, dixerunt exercitum hostium vulneribus defessum sese in alium locum contulisse. 8. Hostes sciebant Romanos frumento egere et hanc rem Caesari summum periculum adlaturam esse. 9. Impedimentis in unum locum conlatis, aliqui militum flumen quod non longe aberat transierunt. 10. Hos rex hortatus est ut oraculum adirent et res auditas ad se referrent. 11. Quem imperator illi legioni praefecit? Publius illi legioni pracerat. 12. Cum esset Caesar in citeriore Gallia, crebri ad eum[2] rumores adferebantur litterisque quoque certior fiebat Gallos obsides inter se dare.
II. 1. The Gauls will make war upon Caesar’s allies. 2. We heard that the Gauls would make war upon Caesar’s allies. 3. Publius did not take part in that battle. 4. We have been informed that Publius did not take part in that battle. 5. The man who was in command of the cavalry was wounded and began to retreat. 6. Caesar did not place you in command of the cohort to bring[3] disaster upon the army.