[Footnote 2: ille\
standing after its noun means _that well-known,
that famous_.]
[Special Vocabulary]
commea:tus, -u:s\, m.. _provisions_ la:titu:do:, -inis\, f., width (latitude) longitu:do:, -inis\, f., _length_ (longitude) magnitu:do:, -inis\, f., size, magnitude merca:tor, merca:to:ris\, m., _trader, merchant_ mu:ni:tio:, -o:nis\, f., fortification (munition) spatium, spati:\, n., _room, space, distance; time_
cogno:sco:, cogno:scere, cogno:vi:,
cognitus\, learn;
in the perfect tenses, know
co:go:, co:gere, coe:gi:, coa:ctus\,
_collect; compel_ (cogent)
de:fendo:, de:fendere, de:fendi:,
de:fe:nsus\, defend
incendo:, incendere, incendi:, ince:nsus\,
_set fire to, burn_
(incendiary). Cf. cremo:\
obtineo:, obtine:re, obtinui:, obtentus\,
_possess, occupy, hold_
pervenio:, perveni:re, perve:ni:,
perventus\, come through, arrive
327. The Latin numeral adjectives may be classified as follows:
1. Cardinal Numerals\, answering the
question _how many?_ as,
u:nus\, one; duo\, _two_;
2. Ordinal Numerals\, derived in most
cases from the cardinals and
answering the question _in what order?_
as, pri:mus\, first;
secundus\, _second_; etc.
3. Distributive Numerals\, answering
the question _how many at a
time?_ as, singuli:\, one at a
328. The Cardinal Numerals. The first twenty of the cardinals are as follows:
1, u:nus 6, sex 11, u:ndecim 16, se:decim 2, duo 7, septem 12, duodecim 17, septendecim 3, tre:s 8, octo: 13, tredecim 18, duode:vi:ginti: 4, quattuor 9, novem 14, quattuordecim 19, u:nde:vi:ginti: 5, qui:nque 10, decem 15, qui:ndecim 20, vi:ginti:
a. Learn also centum\ = 100, ducenti:\ = 200, mi:lle\ = 1000.
329. Declension of the Cardinals. Of the cardinals only u:nus\, duo\, tre:s\, the hundreds above one hundred, and mi:lle\ used as a noun, are declinable.
a. u:nus\ is one of the nine irregular adjectives, and is declined like nu:llus\ (cf. Secs. 109, 470). The plural of u:nus\ is used to agree with a plural noun of a singular meaning, as, u:na castra\, one camp; and with other nouns in the sense of only, as, Galli u:ni\, _only the Gauls_.
_b._ Learn the declension
of duo\, two; tre:s\, _three_; and
mi:lle\, a thousand.
(Sec. 479.)