Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

Latin for Beginners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Latin for Beginners.

I. 1.  Nemo milites alacriores Romanis vidit. 2.  Statim imperator iussit nuntios quam celerrimos litteras Romam portare. 3.  Multa flumina sunt leniora Rheno. 4.  Apud Romanos quis erat clarior Caesare? 5.  Nihil pulchrius urbe Roma vidi. 6.  Subito multitudo audacissima magno clamore proelium acrius commisit. 7.  Num est equus tuus tardus?  Non vero tardus, sed celerior aquila. 8.  Ubi Romae fui, nemo erat mihi amicior Sexto. 9.  Quaedam mulieres cibum militibus dare cupiverunt. 10.  Rex vetuit civis ex urbe noctu discedere. 11.  Ille puer est gracilior hac muliere. 12.  Explorator duas (two) vias, alteram facilem, alteram difficiliorem, demonstravit.

II. 1.  What city have you seen more beautiful than Rome? 2.  The Gauls were not more eager than the Germans. 3.  The eagle is not slower than the horse. 4.  The spirited woman did not fear to make the journey by night. 5.  The mind of the multitude was quite gentle and friendly. 6.  But the king’s mind was very different. 7.  The king was not like (similar to) his noble father. 8.  These hills are lower than the huge mountains of our territory.

  [Illustration:  ARMA ROMANA]



  [Special Vocabulary]

  aedificium, aedifi’ci:\, n., _building, dwelling_ (edifice)
imperium, impe’ri:\, n., command, chief power; empire
  mors, mortis (-ium)\, f., _death_ (mortal)
reliquus, -a, -um\, remaining, rest of.  As a noun, m. and n. plur.,
    the rest (relic)
  scelus, sceleris\, n., _crime_
servitu:s, -u:tis\, f., slavery (servitude)
  valle:s, vallis (-ium)\, f., _valley_

  abdo:, abdere, abdidi:, abditus\, _hide_
contendo:, contendere, contendi:, contentus\, strain, struggle;
  occi:do:, occi:dere, occi:di:, occi:sus\, _cut down, kill_.  Cf.
neco:\, interficio:\
perterreo:, perterre:re, perterrui:, perterritus\, terrify,

  recipio:, recipere, rece:pi:, receptus\, _receive, recover_;
se:  recipere\, betake one’s self, withdraw, retreat
  tra:do:, tra:dere, tra:didi:, tra:ditus\, _give over, surrender,
    deliver_ (traitor)

311. Some adjectives in English have irregular comparison, as good, better, best; many, more, most. So Latin comparison presents some irregularities.  Among the adjectives that are compared irregularly are

POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE bonus, -a, -um, good melior, melius optimus, -a, -um magnus, -a, -um, great maior, maius maximus, -a, -um malus, -a, -um, bad peior, peius pessimus, -a, -um multus, -a, -um, much ——­, plu:s plu:rimus, -a, -um multi:, -ae, -a, many plu:re:s, plu:ra plu:rimi:, -ae, -a parvus, -a, -um, small minor, minus minimus, -a, -um

312. The following four adjectives have two superlatives.  Unusual forms are placed in parentheses.

Project Gutenberg
Latin for Beginners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.