The Last Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 624 pages of information about The Last Man.
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The Last Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 624 pages of information about The Last Man.

The Greek took it, but he handled it in no artist-like way; at length he said:  “I must confess to you, my Lord, that I did not make this drawing.  It is impossible for you to see the real designer; your instructions must pass through me.  Condescend therefore to have patience with my ignorance, and to explain your wishes to me; in time I am certain that you will be satisfied.”

Raymond questioned vainly; the mysterious Greek would say no more.  Would an architect be permitted to see the artist?  This also was refused.  Raymond repeated his instructions, and the visitor retired.  Our friend resolved however not to be foiled in his wish.  He suspected, that unaccustomed poverty was the cause of the mystery, and that the artist was unwilling to be seen in the garb and abode of want.  Raymond was only the more excited by this consideration to discover him; impelled by the interest he took in obscure talent, he therefore ordered a person skilled in such matters, to follow the Greek the next time he came, and observe the house in which he should enter.  His emissary obeyed, and brought the desired intelligence.  He had traced the man to one of the most penurious streets in the metropolis.  Raymond did not wonder, that, thus situated, the artist had shrunk from notice, but he did not for this alter his resolve.

On the same evening, he went alone to the house named to him.  Poverty, dirt, and squalid misery characterized its appearance.  Alas! thought Raymond, I have much to do before England becomes a Paradise.  He knocked; the door was opened by a string from above—­the broken, wretched staircase was immediately before him, but no person appeared; he knocked again, vainly—­and then, impatient of further delay, he ascended the dark, creaking stairs.  His main wish, more particularly now that he witnessed the abject dwelling of the artist, was to relieve one, possessed of talent, but depressed by want.  He pictured to himself a youth, whose eyes sparkled with genius, whose person was attenuated by famine.  He half feared to displease him; but he trusted that his generous kindness would be administered so delicately, as not to excite repulse.  What human heart is shut to kindness? and though poverty, in its excess, might render the sufferer unapt to submit to the supposed degradation of a benefit, the zeal of the benefactor must at last relax him into thankfulness.  These thoughts encouraged Raymond, as he stood at the door of the highest room of the house.  After trying vainly to enter the other apartments, he perceived just within the threshold of this one, a pair of small Turkish slippers; the door was ajar, but all was silent within.  It was probable that the inmate was absent, but secure that he had found the right person, our adventurous Protector was tempted to enter, to leave a purse on the table, and silently depart.  In pursuance of this idea, he pushed open the door gently—­but the room was inhabited.

Project Gutenberg
The Last Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.