The Last Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 624 pages of information about The Last Man.
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The Last Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 624 pages of information about The Last Man.

We first came upon a few stragglers of the Irish at St. Albans.  They retreated, and, joining others of their companions, still fell back, till they reached the main body.  Tidings of an armed and regular opposition recalled them to a sort of order.  They made Buckingham their head-quarters, and scouts were sent out to ascertain our situation.  We remained for the night at Luton.  In the morning a simultaneous movement caused us each to advance.  It was early dawn, and the air, impregnated with freshest odour, seemed in idle mockery to play with our banners, and bore onwards towards the enemy the music of the bands, the neighings of the horses, and regular step of the infantry.  The first sound of martial instruments that came upon our undisciplined foe, inspired surprise, not unmingled with dread.  It spoke of other days, of days of concord and order; it was associated with times when plague was not, and man lived beyond the shadow of imminent fate.  The pause was momentary.  Soon we heard their disorderly clamour, the barbarian shouts, the untimed step of thousands coming on in disarray.  Their troops now came pouring on us from the open country or narrow lanes; a large extent of unenclosed fields lay between us; we advanced to the middle of this, and then made a halt:  being somewhat on superior ground, we could discern the space they covered.  When their leaders perceived us drawn out in opposition, they also gave the word to halt, and endeavoured to form their men into some imitation of military discipline.  The first ranks had muskets; some were mounted, but their arms were such as they had seized during their advance, their horses those they had taken from the peasantry; there was no uniformity, and little obedience, but their shouts and wild gestures showed the untamed spirit that inspired them.  Our soldiers received the word, and advanced to quickest time, but in perfect order:  their uniform dresses, the gleam of their polished arms, their silence, and looks of sullen hate, were more appalling than the savage clamour of our innumerous foe.  Thus coming nearer and nearer each other, the howls and shouts of the Irish increased; the English proceeded in obedience to their officers, until they came near enough to distinguish the faces of their enemies; the sight inspired them with fury:  with one cry, that rent heaven and was re-echoed by the furthest lines, they rushed on; they disdained the use of the bullet, but with fixed bayonet dashed among the opposing foe, while the ranks opening at intervals, the matchmen lighted the cannon, whose deafening roar and blinding smoke filled up the horror of the scene.  I was beside Adrian; a moment before he had again given the word to halt, and had remained a few yards distant from us in deep meditation:  he was forming swiftly his plan of action, to prevent the effusion of blood; the noise of cannon, the sudden rush of the troops, and yell of the foe, startled him:  with flashing eyes he exclaimed, “Not one of

Project Gutenberg
The Last Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.