This tea-cup appears to give warning by the flag in conjunction with a rifle and the letter ‘V’ that some friend of the consultant will be wounded in battle, and as there is a coffin in the bottom of the cup that the wounds will be fatal. On the other side, however, a sceptre, surrounded by signs of honours, seems to indicate that ‘V’ will be recognized by his sovereign and a decoration bestowed upon him for bravery in battle, shown by the initial ‘K’ accompanied by a letter-sign, and by the astrological sign of Mars, intervening between these and the sceptre.
[Illustration 8]
FIG. 8
Principal Symbols:—
Coffin in bottom, in
conjunction with ‘V.’
Flag in conjunction
with rifle on side.
Sceptre on side.
Large initial ‘K’
with letter sign near sceptre.
Astrological sign of
Mars between them.
Initial ‘V’
near flag and rifle.
FIG. 9
If the consultant be single this cup will, by means of the hare on the side, tell him that he will speedily be married. The figure of a lady holding out an ivy-leaf is a sign that his sweetheart will prove true and constant, and the heart in conjunction with a ring and the initial ‘A’ still further points to marriage with a person whose name begins with that letter. The flower, triangle, and butterfly are all signs of prosperity, pleasure and happiness.
[Illustration 9]
Principal Symbols:—
Hare sitting on side.
Butterfly near rim.
Heart and ring.
Large flower on edge
of bottom.
Figure of woman holding
ivy-leaf in bottom.
Initials ‘A’
and small ‘C’ with dots.
FIG. 10
This is typical of the cup being too often consulted by some people. It is almost void of meaning, the only symbols indicating a short journey, although the flower near the rim denotes good luck, and the fact that the bottom is clear that nothing very important is about to happen to the consultant.
[Illustration 10]
FIG. 10
Principal Symbols:—
Line of dots leading
W.S.W to
Two letters near rim
How have omens been regarded in the past? An appeal to anciency is usually a safeguard for a basis. It is found that most of the earliest records are now subsisting. See official guide to the British Museum. Babylonian and Assyrian antiquities, table case H. Nineveh Gallery, the following appears: