The Road to Mandalay eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Road to Mandalay.

The Road to Mandalay eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Road to Mandalay.

And what a curious, soft and penetrating atmosphere; moist and loaded with unfamiliar, aromatic odours!

However, Mr. Salter, a man of action, had no time to spare for contemplation, and briskly hustled the stranger into a waiting taxi—­for the old days of the rattling, shattered gharry are numbered.

“I suppose this is all new to you?” said Shafto’s acquaintance as they struggled up the crowded Strand, lined with imposing offices and vast godowns, or warehouses.

“You may say so,” he replied, eagerly gazing at the dense passing throng—­animated women with flower-decked hair, square-shouldered, sauntering men, carrying flat umbrellas and smoking huge cheroots, Khaki-clad Tommies and yellow-faced John Chinamen.

“Oh, there’s lots to see in Burma,” continued Salter, “an extraordinary mixture of people and races, and a most beautiful country; such splendid rivers and forests—­but here, in Rangoon, everyone has but one idea.”

In answer to Shafto’s glance of interrogation he said: 

“We are a commercial community, and our sole aim and object is to work, to get rich, and go home.”

“But that doesn’t apply to the native?”

“No, the Burman does not work; he is merely a spectator.  The industry of others amuses him; his chief object is to enjoy life.  Well, here is the hotel; let us go in and have a look at your quarters.”

After the baggage had been disposed of and Shafto’s room inspected and criticised, his companion still lingered talking.  To Salter, the proverbially eccentric, this new-comer appeared to be an intelligent young fellow whom he would like and take to.  There was no superior “just out from London to the back of God-speed” air about him.  On the contrary, he appeared to be genuinely interested in his surroundings and insatiable for information.  It struck him, too, that the forlorn stranger would put in a mighty dull and solitary evening and, stirred by a benevolent impulse, he said: 

“Suppose you come back and dine at my diggings?  I may be able to give you a few hints as I am an old hand.”

“I should be delighted,” assented Shafto, “if it won’t be putting you out?”

“Oh no, not a bit; Mrs. Salter is accustomed to my bringing home a stray guest.”

“Had I not better dress?”

“Certainly not; come along with me now, just as you are.”

Thus the matter being arranged, the pair once more entered the taxi, and were presently steering through the traffic of various thoroughfares and teeming bazaars.  All at once, with an unexpected lurch, the car turned into a wide, well-shaded enclosure and halted before a low, heavily-roofed house, supported on stout wooden legs—­an old-time residence.

“Do you go up,” urged Shako’s host, “whilst I pay the taxi—­you can settle with me later.”  Here spoke the canny Yorkshire tyke.

Project Gutenberg
The Road to Mandalay from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.