The Shield of Silence eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 374 pages of information about The Shield of Silence.

The Shield of Silence eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 374 pages of information about The Shield of Silence.

“Sweetheart,” that voice had said, “there is one right woman for every man, but few there be who find her.  When one does—­then there is no time to be lost.  Life is all too short at the best for them.  Come, my beloved, come!”

And she had heeded and, forsaking all else, had trusted him.

According to his lights Thornton had sincerely meant those words when he spoke them.  He was under the spell, still, as he looked at the small frozen thing before him now.

If he could win her from her absurd, and almost unbelievable, position; if he could, through her love and his, gain her absolutely; make her his—­what a conquest!

“My precious one, I am yours to do with what you will!” he was saying with all the fervour of his being; but Meredith looked at him from a great distance.

“You were never mine!” was what she said.  Then asked: 

“Is that—­that woman here?  Will I ever—­meet her?”

Thornton was growing furiously angry.

“Certainly not!” he replied to her last question, incensed at the implied lack of delicacy on his part.  Then he added, “Don’t be a fool, Merry!”

“No, I won’t,” she whispered, grimly.  “I won’t be a fool, whatever else I am.  Do you want me to leave you at once, or stay on?”

Thornton stared at her blankly.

“Good God!” he muttered; “what do you mean, stay on?”

“I mean that if I stay it will be because I don’t want to hurt you more than I must—­and because things don’t matter much, either way.  I have my own money—­but, well, I’ll stay on if it will help you in your business.”

Then light dawned.

“You will stay on!” Thornton snapped the words out.  “You are my wife, and you will stay on!”

“Very well.  I will stay,” Meredith turned and walked away.

Thornton looked after her and his face softened.  Something in him was touched by the spirit under the cold, crude exterior of the girl.  It was worth while—­he would try to win her!

And that was the best hour in Thornton’s life.

Could he have held to it all might have gone well, but Thornton’s successes had been due to dash and daring—­the slow, patient method was not his, and against his wife’s stern indifference he recoiled after a short time—­she bored him; she no longer seemed worth while; not worth the struggle nor the holding to absurd and rigid demands.  Still, by her smiling acquiescence, Meredith made things possible that otherwise might not have been so, and she was a charming hostess when occasion demanded.

During the second bleak year of their marriage Meredith accompanied Thornton to England—­he was often obliged to go there on prolonged business—­but she never repeated the experiment.

While it was comparatively easy to play her difficult role in her home, it was unbearable among her husband’s people, who complicated matters by assuming that she must, of necessity, be honoured and uplifted by the alliance she had made.

Project Gutenberg
The Shield of Silence from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.